Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dead Man Inc. Indictments

22 members of the infamous Dead Man Incorporated were indicted in federal court today. Among the bevy of crimes the 18 men and 4 women indicted were charged with are the 2009 murders of James Flanary, Tony Geiger, Eugene Chambers, & Walter Milewski.

Indicted Members Are:

Perry “Saho the Ghost” Roark, age 42
James Sweeney, age 34
Nicky Cash, age 46
George "Fat Boy" Treas IV, age 28
Dane Shives, age 22
Michael Anthony Quinn, age 28
Michael “Skinny Pimp” Forame Jr., age 40
Brian Mitchell, age 40
Richard Lee Ingram, age 45
Timothy “Fuhrer” Mixter, age 35
John Henry Adams, age 25
Gregory David Cook Jr., age 36
Jeremy Ridgeway, age 22
John William Zion Jr., age 27
Russell Bernard Hartman, age 29
Bonnie Rice, age 35
Kelly Witter, age 26
Charles Robert Gray Jr., age 31
Edward Adam Mueller, age 31
Melanie Holquist, age 28
Scott William Jarriel, age 28
Gary Charles Horton, age 26

Despite the vast majority of members having long, serious, and violent criminal records, information was quite difficult to find on the indicted members. If you find any more information on the indicted, let us know.


  1. just because someone is indicted, doesn't mean they are guilty. i know that AT LEAST one of these people listed is INNOCENT of what he is charged with. and i think it is complete bullshit that you can be "guilty by association". just because you didn't run to the police and tell what you knew about a murder, doesn't make you a murderer. while i feel for the families of victims, people generally forget that those ACCUSED are also human beings who have families that love and miss them too!

  2. I absolutely agree with the above comment. I believe that one of these people were wrongfully accused, and being guilty by association should not deliver unnecessary punishment and we should sign a petition. Yes I understand the whole concept of ''if you had drugs in a car and someone was with you, you're guilty by association'' But don't you think this is a little unreasonable to give such an outstanding sentence?

    1. I heard they were in the joint telling on each other, singing like "Smokey Robinson and the Miracles"; fighting each other like alley cats and shit. Damn. Some gang. Get pinched and dime each other the fuck out. It was comical as hell just listening to this shit and then reading what the news was saying. Didn't seem too deadly. Friends or gang members like those, WHO NEEDS ENEMIES?

  3. Oh shut the fuck up!! Typical "I love my gangsta baby daddy" bullshit. My babies father is listed, indited and takes credit for his involvement. DMI aint nothing but junkie losers and as you can see above their "O my poor thug wanna be coke head boyfriend" girlfriends. Everyone on that inditement was found GUILTY! Go cry a river to them other junkies, normal people know whats up. There are a lot of people associated with the above list of beings that weren't involved and arrested because they, HONESTLY, had no involvement!

    1. Aint none of them bbydaddys but family yes.unless your personally kno them you might wanna shut the fuck dont kno shit!!!

    2. I see why its anonymous you id let that be the last words u speak of the Dead

  4. Man shut the fuck up↑ you don't know the whole story so I advise you to keep quiet... there is a lot of families hurting because of this whole case.

  5. to the poster who said "typical i love my baby daddy bullshit" you are the one who states YOUR baby's daddy is listed. i am nota junkie, nor do i have a "baby daddy" perhaps you should take your own advice and shut the fuck up, like the person who commented below you advised. talk about wanna be gangsta---yet here you are on the internet acting like you know something we don't. pretty sure we know everyone was found guilty. gtfoh

  6. Replies
    1. They say he witnessed something he wasn't supposed to.

  7. Apparently the snitch was LJ lil Johnny Adams he got the indictment started, it all came to light, he told on everyone

  8. The snitch was ANTHONY Biddle

    1. Never faced any jail time yet was involved in everything
