Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Knives for kids

282 knives were confiscated from city school kids in the past two years. Plus it's pretty easy to buy a switchblade in the city.

1 comment:

  1. Stupid report. A switchblade is a knife where you push a button and a blade pops out. These are generally illegal to carry, but legal to posses. An assisted opening knife is a knife that is opened manually, and somewhere in that process, a spring gives the blade a extra kick to make sure it's locked open securely. These are completely legal, and are what was featured in that story. That reporter looses all credibility when he didn't take 2 minutes to look up the actual law.
    Also, this infantile reasoning that banning knives would make schools safer is silly. How about addressing the causes of this violence? Are schools so unsafe that students feel that they need to protect themselves? I've carried a knife on me every day since I was in elementary school. I feel a pocketknife is something every man should have. It's not a weapon any more than a pen is. It's just a useful tool to have. Demonizing knives while ignoring the causes of violence helps nothing. Let's figure out how to make students feel safe at school. Banning sharp stuff is a small minded solution to this problem.
