Friday, November 11, 2011

Two shot in Harwood East Lorraine Avenue and Barclay Street. (Not Charles Village)

Mary Pat Clarke wants to padlock the Yau Brothers Chinese carryout after the second murder there. Which seems rather unfair to the Yau brothers, unless they were somehow in on it.


  1. Charles Village (dot) org puts that intersection in CV:

  2. interesting, because the city doesn't and places it right under the AR in Harwood. I wonder if residents there have to pay extra taxes to be in the 'benefits district'.

  3. The Charles Village Benefits District boundaries aren't the same as the boundaries of the neighborhood of Charles Village. Abell, Harwood, Old Goucher and parts of Remington are within the CVCBD boundaries but aren't Charles Village.

  4. Wanting to shut down Yao Bros is typical of these idiot Democrat politicians who want to punish innocent law abiding citizens instead of the criminals who vote for them.
