Wednesday, December 7, 2011


A man stabbed to death on Eastern Avenue Northeast N. East Avenue

A man shot multiple times at 12:39 p.m. in the 700 block of Willow Avenue, mere blocks (but worlds away) from Guilford

A second week with only one murder (that we know of). The unfortunate victim was Kenneth Davis, 29.

Attorneys need to stop releasing information about who's snitching cooperating with law enforcement, said RJR* following the indictments of Tavon Dameon Davis, 24, and Bruce Eric Byrd, 26, for conspiring and committing murder for hire, murdering a witness and conspiracy to commit bank fraud.

Tyrone Jackson, 52, pleaded guilty in federal court to possessing $488,572.50 in forged checks and 327 videos and 779 photos of pornographic images of children (why do the pedo guys always have so many damn images?).

Assault victim Christy Lee Polis was charged with disorderly conduct after reporting a robbery in the county.

Eastern District commander is owner of a run-down vacant that he's too broke* to fix up, reports the Sun's Scott Calvert

Deposed fraudster Belinda Conaway attended her last City Council meeting on Monday night, as did Nick D'Adamo, who serenaded the venerable council with a parody tune.


  1. That would be North East Avenue, not Eastern Avenue. Just sayin'

  2. Justin Fenton is a tool. Just sayin.

  3. Wbal is a tool. I noticed that was different on the Police Twitter than the Wbal site but figured Wbal would know what it was talking about. Glad to see it is still safe to go to the Pollo Rico ...!

  4. I didn't do a post about this since it's not Baltimore news, but from our neighbors to the North.

    Wesley Cook (or "Mumia" as his idiot supporters like to call him) will not face the death penalty. 29 years of legalese BS and he gets away with a life sentence for murdering a police officer. Must suck for Maureen Faulkner.

  5. Sorry to nitpick, but it's N East Ave, not Northeast Ave. East Avenue is divided into N East Ave and S East Ave- just like all other streets and avenues that intersect Baltimore Street.

    If that makes me a tool too, so be it. I just want to eliminate any possible confusion.

  6. I know I'm responding to a spammer, but...

    If you're in your own home then to hell with pepper spray. Use a real gun.

  7. Google can't find a N. East Avenue. There's an East Avenue in Rosedale and an East Lane... And Northeast Avenue. ... Shooting, Tazing & spraying all call for more contact than I care to have. I've confronted two would-be burglars. Gave them the mom voice, both left. Finding a strange person where they don't belong is really disorienting. odds are you won't have a weapon in your hand when it happens, even if you own one.

  8. the street signs over there by Patterson Park read N East St and S East St.

    Makes sense in a city with E North Ave and W North ave, and E West St and W West St.

    Now somebody tell me why North Ave runs west/east, but South St runs north/south, East st runs north/south, and West St runs east west.
