Friday, December 9, 2011

Man shot at 29th & Calvert

A man was shot in the head at Calvert and 29th streets in Charles Village at 11 p.m. last night. UPDATE: he was ID'd as Brandon Hudson, 22*, shot while sitting on a couch in the first floor of an apartment.

and Police Tweet, "Triple Shooting, 1800 Blk Maryland Ave (Central District), 12:58am, adult males shot."

Fenton Tweets that 1992 shooting victim Ronald Watkins had been hanging out at Odell's nightclub. (Remember Odell's? That place was awesome). Apparently this story was written just two weeks before Watkins' shooting-- the armed guards must have not done much good. The club was owned by Milton Tillman, Jr., of bail bonds fame, and defended by his lawyer, Elijah Cummings. Heh heh, Doo Doo Brown.

Ten years for an Edgewood cocaine dealer, whose slang term for crack was "the Jolly Rancher."

A 12th officer, Rafael Feliciano Jr., has pleaded guilty in the towing scandal

More speed cameras have gone up around town for a total of 142 (!!) -- noticed a new one on North Charles St. southbound at Blythewood (by Loyola) when some Speedy McJerkwad in front of me got the flash, a location that notably not on this list. Not a bad idea to check the list-- then drive like a grandma anyway.

A new e-book about Ed Norris is out, focusing on his investigation of the shooting death of Jew­ish Defense League founder Rabbi Mier Kahan while with the NYPD. If you're interested, you can download it for Kindlefor less than a buck.

A Federal court judge ruled bloggers aren't entitled to journalists' legal protections that allow them to shield sources. In other words, bloggers, if you allege something expect to have to prove it's true. &@%#!!


  1. Do you have the address of the home in which he was shot?

  2. ... A commentor on the Sun site says 2929 N Calvert.

  3. The following summarizes recent violence in north Charles Village.

    Note that the incident said to be in Abell is actually part of Greenmount, on the same block as disaffected restauranteur Casey Jenkins and a block from Yau Brothers.

    So, if the area's so wonderful and doesn't need vastly more policing, why are there so many guns floating around in the open?

    Politicians lie; too many hoodlums; need more police.

    - Galt

  4. Does anyone know how much money the city is making on all of these speed and red light cameras hitting people with $40 tickets? And the city still can't balance the budget? I suppose that's a topic for another time.

    Perhaps there has been a big decrease in vehicle accidents since all of the speed and red light cameras were installed. I would assume that the city would tout this improvement if it were happening.
