Sunday, January 29, 2012

Drones over Baltimore!

You're not paranoid if they're really out to get you! -- more than one reader has reported seeing what sounds like "Raven" law-enforcement drones flying over Baltimore's East-side neighborhoods, 95 and the Harbor area, hovering around houses and also trailing specific cars.
.. anyone else see these??


  1. Where does it say that about flying over baltimore? In the audio, maybe? I didn't listen, just read.

  2. US law enforcement is turning against its own people. That second amendment isn't worth anything. Guns aren't enough to counter all the toys the police now have to use against the citizenry.

    If the police can threaten to arrest me for walking on a public sidewalk in the middle of the day I'm sure they are gearing up to obliterate everything in the US Constitution. They just toss out the "safety" word and get the green light to do anything.

  3. For what it's worth, I just listened to the audio and there was no mention of Baltimore in the audio, either.

  4. I've been seeing these over the harbour, various parts of the city, and the county as well. They usually fly in a zig-zag pattern. Pay close attention to the lights you see in the sky, and watch them for a bit. I bet you'll see one.

    Usually I see two at a time, one going north-south and another east-west. I first noticed them working nights at Locust Point almost 3 years ago, and have been pointing them out regularly ever since.

  5. Cham, you are right. All those piddling muskets that the Colonists used against the LARGEST MILITARY POWER on the planet in the 1700s were utterly useless, which explains why we all still drunk warm ale and tea in the USA...

    You are right--it's not the guns that will save us, if it comes to that (and if you believe the reports that the Pentagon, State Dept, and CFR have been publishing for the last 20 years, they actually WANT to provoke the People to war, so they can impose their financial serfdom on us all).

    If it comes to a "shootin' war", what will determine the winners will be tactics. And the People have an infinite advantage over the "Government". We can react quicker, operate in autonomous groups, and we won't have to wait for "orders from headquarters" to do everything from change our socks to pulling the triggers...

    Short of just carpet-bombing the entire nation with Chem/Bio/Radiological weapons and killing everyone wholesale, there is simply no way the People can be defeated.

    Look at Afghanistan--a bunch of illiterate 3rd world nomads with barely Steam-Age technology are whopping our asses.

    Adn the American People have got WAY better "toys" than the Afghanis--and we're much better trained too... ;-)

    We hope it doesn't come to that. Anyone who loves the USA and what it is SUPPOSED to stand for (freedom, liberty, human rights, democracy, etc) hates the thought of a Revolution.

    But there ARE those of us who live by the old saying:

    "Si vis pacem, para bellum"

    And we wil be the ones bailing all you doom-and-gloomers, voluntary slaves, and sheeple who refuse to take personal responsibility for your own personal security when the SHTF and they start rolling the trains and opening the camps.

    Stop whining, and get to a range for some training.You'll feel MUCH better once you know how to defend yourself.

    Don't volunteer for victimhood...

  6. I was totally with you, anon, until the use of the word "Sheeple." ... guns are fun to shoot and everyone should know how to use one. We should have a field trip to the shootin' range sometime! But they are also too dangerous to keep on your person or in your house.

    ... and there won't be any trains or "camps." Obama signing the NDAA-- making it lawful for any citizen to be 'disappeared' by the government and held indefinitely-- has turned this whole nation into a camp. "Homeland security" is watching is from the air, scanning all of our email, tracking journalists, photographing us in the nude at the airport. We've got death panels-- for-profit insurance companies, drug companies and hospitals effectively killing off whoever is too poor to afford basic care. Propaganda 24/7 on the TV news channels. What's left to hit the fan?

  7. Today's date of this posting is (October 7, 2013)... As I was driving down Interstate 95-S just past the 295 Baltimore/Washington Pkwy. at 12:45 a.m. this past mid April when I suddenly saw a large drone (about the size of a helicopter)hovering just off of the northbound side of 95-N with red lights flashing on and off underneath it, when all of a sudden, bright white lights touched down in front of my car, then on top of my car and then circled onto the northbound side on top of another car. That was probably the spookiest thing I've ever seen. I feel like we are now living in a twilight zone dictatorship called Obamba-land and no longer the good ole U.S.A. land of the free! We are living in scary times!!!

  8. I live at MICA and I can see over Baltimore and keep seeing an aircraft keep flying in clover leafs it has two white lights one on the front and the back, a green on the right wing and a flashing red light in the middle, I've been watching it for about an hour. They are looking at us from drones, their on people!
