Thursday, March 1, 2012

$70k Payout approved for dad stomped by cops while holding tot

The Board of Estimates approved a $70k settlement to a man and his toddler son who were roughed up." TDR and The Sun's Luke Broadwater reports that at issue were the events of Aug. 28, 2009 when two Baltimore police officers arrested Tyrode Gibbs Sr., who was sitting on the front steps of a vacant property along with his 2-year-old son, Tyrode Gibbs Jr. The vacant property had a "No Trespassing" sign posted, and the officers instructed Gibbs and his son to leave, but he said he was "seeking shelter from the rain," the documents say. ... The lawsuit alleged the officers beat Gibbs to the ground, kicking and stomping him while he was still holding his son in his arms. During the altercation, one of the officers struck the 2-year-old and sprayed mace on the elder Gibbs, the lawsuit alleged."


  1. These "officers" must have attended the Lon Horiuchi School of Crisis Management"...

  2. gee - ever heard of listening to a no trespassing sign or when the police ask you to move - listen...RESPECT - none given - none got...
