Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Springtime, when a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of ...

rioting and stabbing the shit outta people! (Apologies to Tennyson) St Patrick's day weekend, young men and women flashmobbed, converging on Canton and the Harbor, carrying on a decades-long tradition of wilding in the streets as soon as weather permits. Imagine if they actually put all of those ranging teenage hormones to a purpose, protesting against the youth jail with Occupy and the Algebra project, perhaps! Singing songs and carrying signs!

#35, a man shot in the chest on Imla St.

And our favorite drunk-driving bongload-smoking Olympic medalist is reportedly trying to quietly unload his Harbor East condo for a million-and-something.


  1. MJ, glad to see you are back on the job. After a news blackout since March 9th, I was beginning to think you became one of the latest statistics. You guys are doing a great public service. Keep up the good work.

  2. Aw, how nice of you to say. See, it is a charming city!

  3. This site rocks, I've been coming here daily since 2005. I don't even live in Baltimore anymore, either. Baltimore is a strange place; I couldn't be happier to be away from it, but its status as a high-crime, out of control city fascinates me.
