Wednesday, April 4, 2012


So Dante Parrish got life for the rape, gagging and slaughter of fey 15-year-old Jason Mattison. His fine Christian mom and grandma kicked him out because they thought he was gay, leaving him to die like a pig while his junkie aunt and her friends nodded off nearby.

In other gay news, documents revealed the National Organization for Marriage's plans to divide gays, women, blacks and Latinos by un-defining marriage as a civil right (sound familiar?), calling women 'bigots,' embracing the traditional Mexican family and spinning a yarn about the marginalization and repression of Christianity. Mitt Romney, who won the primary here last night, gave NOM $10,000 in '08. NOM has pledged to spend at least $1 million to defeat same-sex marriage in Maryland, and are, of course, currently using those ducets to get gay citizens' civil rights put up for a vote in the fall.

1 comment:

  1. Is it legal to just throw a 15-year old out on the street? I wish there was a way that Jason Mattison's loathsome mother could be prosecuted.
