Thursday, May 31, 2012

87, 88, Cannibalism, and Gangs of Young Folk

The shooting on the 1100 Block of Myrtle Ave. has apparently turned into a this year's 87th homicide. Quintin Butler (Alternately Spelled Quinton), age 30, was shot and killed Tuesday. Butler had past convictions for Attempted Murder and drug dealing.

The 88th Homicide of the year is a so-far-unidentified man stabbed to death* in the 3000 block of E. Preston St. Thursday night.

The Sun has more and more information on* Alexander Kinyua, the man whose human-eating exploits have caused my Facebook homepage to blow up with people making zombie apocalypse jokes. Shockingly enough Kinyua seems to be a bit unstable, posting strange Facebook posts and having just been released from jail after blinding a fellow student in an unprovoked assault with a bat. Apparently Justin Fenton just figured out the guys internet handle, so expect more on this story tomorrow.

Apparently local groups of angry youngins are still going kind of nuts, beating on a Federal office worker* earlier today, while walloping another person Wednesday.

On the subject of youth mobs, a few have been identified from the 7-11 flash mob/possible robbery from a few days back.

Life times two for Larry L. Joseph, 23. Joseph was convicted of killing two men outside a Dollar Store in the 3400 block of Belair Rd. back in 2007. According to the State's Attorney, Joseph pumped a total of 15 rounds into the two men.

The death of  Daryl Augustus II, 21, found in a burning car in Essex Tuesday, was ruled a homicide. Police quickly ID'd a suspect; 32-year-old Lennell Earl Ellis. Ellis turned himself in Thursday and faces first degree murder charges for killing Augustus in an apparent jealous rage. 

What a creep. David Knight, 26 (Pictured Right Sporting a Fittingly Crusty Neck Beard) has been busted for taking a cell phone video of a teenage girl while she was using bathroom at the Inner Harbor. Not surprisingly Knight has a criminal record including convictions for theft, destruction of property, car theft, possession of not-marijuana, and gun possession. He also, shockingly, has a prior arrest for a smiler Peeping Tom incident.

And the scuzzbags just keep coming... Arrested by state police was 28-year-old Brian Williams, a Pennsylvania creeper charged with taking photographs of children at various rest stop bathrooms. 

An actual punishment for witness intimidation... nice. 21-year-old Lionel Lynch got two years for verbally threatening a witness in the Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Courthouse in November of 2011. 

The eleventh in a seemingly never-ending array of corrupt police officers has been sent to the Federal clink. 32-year-old Rodney Cintron got more than three years for his role in the massive Majestic Towing scandal.

A guy with a starter's pistol scared the living hell out of folks at the UMBC campus today. An as of yet unidentified man sent the campus into a panic after being seen waving around a realistic looking fake gun, although police say he didn't actually threaten anyone at any point.

 One person is in the hospital after a suspect fleeing the BPD crashed head on with another car earlier today. 

Four people are injured in a car accident while another two are stabbed in somehow-related incidents on Owings Mills Blvd.

The most recent Crime Blotter, this time from the Southeast, has a good old-fashioned purse snatching, someone sleeping on the job got jacked, and a fella gets his weed and shotgun stolen, which apparently you can report to the police.

A rash of robberies in Essex result in the arrest of two people for separate crimes. Danyelle Smialkowski, 22, was arrested after robbing a woman fleeing a purportedly unrelated robbery, while 24-year-old Joseph Drummond was charged with robbing a 50-year-old man with a metal pipe. 

Finally, 10 years for yet another conspirator in the Latrobe Homes drug organization. Armond Dowdell, age 39, got the dime after pleading to selling kilo's of weed while being an armed felon.


  1. Through and brilliant post as usual TAB.. What is it with these bathroom perverts?! Why would anyone want to watch anyone in the bathroom?!

  2. Many thanks MB. And maybe there's something in the water in Baltimore, between the seeming "To Catch a Predator" roundup from a month ago, to case after case of bathroom creepers... I'm at a loss.
