Friday, June 15, 2012

Your Tax $$ at work...

The mayor's got more than half a million buck$ to throw at video-conferencing phones, in the meantime the Baltimore Police's public-information crime-mapping site has been down since at least April (if you can get it to load, let us know...)

.. Ahso, they have moved it to this link.  No more mapping, though, right? You have to search by street name, and there is no way to search by zip code...


  1. I think they might have transferred the crime mapping to Open Baltimore..

  2. You have to first filter out what you want, then hit "visualize" at the top and select the map option. It takes some time to figure out

  3. Most of OpenBaltimore data has export file options. One can always download all the data in a file and then organize it any way one wishes.

    I find it easier to work with the OpenBaltimore data in my own software.

  4. The mapping part is relatively easy. Timeliness is the issue.

    The old system was typically two weeks old. The new system is months old.

    Do you want to know about the burglary around the corner two months from now or as soon as possible?

    Why does the state vendor get it weekly, and get to profit from the sale of that data while getting paid by a state grant - while local press has limited and much less timely data.

    Shouldn't we all have equal and fair access?
