Friday, July 27, 2012

Gansler asks 4th Circuit to Stay Concealed-Carry Ruling


  1. Gansler is an idiot. Almost all other states have the right to carry and the majority handle it responsibly. Maryland makes fireworks illegal. They make guns illegal. What the law makers are saying is that Maryland citizens are too stupid to handle anything dangerous. Lets get this guy out of office.

  2. We've had two kids accidentally shot to death just in the past week, so yes, Marylanders are too stupid.

  3. The people we should be worrying about are already carrying firearms illegally. The vast majority of state's are "shall issue" and the predicted bloodbath simply hasn't happened.

  4. Au contraire, the Violence Policy Center counts 978 legal concealed-carry deaths in the past five years-- people who'd be alive today if their states had laws like MD's. Trayvon Martin comes to mind. And how many people in this country have actually successfully used their holstered weapon over the past five years to defend themselves/families/etc? I'd guess less than a dozen.

    Don't have time to research this but, PP, but I'll bet you there have been more accidental shootings in the state of MD in the past five years than there have been bonafide cases of people defending themselves with a gun in the entire country over that time period.

    I have heard of one exactly once such story in MD the entire time I have been blogging (the guy at Cross Keys). You can already have a gun in your house here in MD, how many cases have you heard of of anyone successfully defending their castle with one? A handful, maybe.

    Admit it, you want a gun because you want a gun, not because there is any credible evidence whatsoever that it'll do you any good. Because according to all evidence odds are better you'll shoot yourself, a family member, or get your piece misappropriated. Just because some people can use opiates responsibly and pursuing happiness is a Constitutional right doesn't mean it's a good idea to sell Demerol by the pound at CVS.

  5. MB: The Violence Policy Center is an organization with a pretty clear anti-gun agenda. Any statistics they produce should be looked at with great skepticism.

    I don't see how you can say that those 978 people would be alive. I took a look through their Private Citizens Killed by Concealed Carry Killers document. Pretty much all of those crimes would have occurred regardless of whether the perp had a permit or not. Just as a completely random pick take a look at Michael McLendon from Alabama. He was a nutcase who killed ten people, starting with his mother. Do you honestly believe he wouldn't have committed that crime if he didn't have a CC permit?

    Washington DC had the strictest gun laws in the country until recently and they didn't do anything to keep the city from becoming the murder capital of the US in the 1980s and 90s. I will concede that if we somehow managed to eliminate guns in general circulation the way that, say, Japan has we probably would see a massive decrease in guns deaths. The chances of that actually happening though are about as big as my fantasies of the pillory and public flogging making a comeback. It's just not going to happen, and laws like MD's simply disarm the law-abiding.

    Contrary to what you seem to be assuming I'm not a hardcore gun nut. I don't own a gun and I have no plans to get a CC permit if the law does change in MD. Walking around packing heat all the time sounds like more of a pain in the ass than anything else. I'm also skeptical of the more guns, less crime argument (although who knows, practically all studies and statistics on this issue come from groups who are clearly pushing a political agenda.) That being said it's also pretty clear that the people I should worry about carrying guns in Baltimore are already doing so regardless of what our state's concealed carry laws are.
