Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Dr. Peter Marvit, 51, left (via AP) was shot to death in the 2800 block of Chesterfield Avenue* near Belair Road and Herring Run Park last night. MG Hare reports that he was shot in the head and chest while parking his car; police think was an attempted robbery. According to the Internets, Marvit attended Phillips Academy in Andover, MA, Oberlin College and got his doctorate at the University of Pennsylvania. He worked as a clinical trials researcher for the NIH at the University of Maryland.

A 21-year-old was shot last night on E. 21st St.* near Charles

"That's why you're the judge and I'm the law-talking guy." Bernstein's taking heat from Charles Villagers,* incensed that one Lonnie Butler of Worser Waverly was sentenced to time served for dealing heroin by Judge Barry Williams, in spite the fact that Butler was on probation when he got caught. (He does have quite the resume, that Lonnie P. Butler b. 1958, a veritable smorgasbord that includes calling in a fake bomb threat to breaking n' entering and assault.) (Bernstein correctly pointed out that he can't tell judges what to do, but don't prosecutors have to agree to deals?) Charles Village court-watcher Steve Gerwitz has another busy week ahead, with armed robbers/ burglars and carjackery on the docket.

Yay, a picture of the meshuggah Oldsmobile-driver in White Marsh who tried to run over a lady she thought had stolen hear parking place (and also the bystander writing down her info). Note the tear on her right cheek. She was ID'd as Brandy Tennille Ames, 35, of Harr Park Court in Edgewood, and she's being held on $1 million bail. She's being charged with first-degree assault, but not attempted murder.

Uhm, whut? A 40-year-old man in HoCo, Donnell Vannison, was sentenced to 60 days in the pen, relating to an incident in which he went to Long Reach High School in a ski mask to seek out the teenager who'd allegedly thrown a French fry at his sister two days before. Said teen responded by using the long reach he'd been studying to deck Vannison and knock him out cold, an indignity caught by some student's camera phone. Naturally, the video "went viral" on WorldStarHipHop.


  1. Well that's a depressing start to my blog reading.

    I mean it's sad any time someone loses their life in Baltimore. But this guy was actively working to make the world a better place, and gets shot up for what? Not taking his wallet out fast enough?

    I don't honestly understand how people get shot up in "attempted robberies". I mean, YOU have the gun. I'm pretty sure the person handing over their wallet just wants to live. You really don't need to shoot them, unless you're just evil.

  2. You are assuming the use of rational human logic. I doubt the perpetrator is human.

  3. I couldn't agree with you more. I have been robbed at gun point myself and know the feeling of being caught on the wrong side of a gun. That poor guy was probably just going about his day.

    Criminals aren't always very logical individuals - I remember when I was robbed the guy was so shakey and amped up his finger could of twitched and hit that trigger at any moment.

    Maybe the victim was just suprised and jumped or startled and that was all it took...

  4. It makes me think of the Stephen Pitcarin case. I'm sure I don't know, but in that instance John Wagner and LaVelva Princess Merritt got themselves all psyched up on crack to go out robbing people. That might have something to do with the lack of empathy/logic.

  5. Dr.Margot family my sincere apologies go out to you. I am a near by neighbor and what a senseless act this was....... the sad part is the city & community has failed you. I called 911,311,crime stoppers and community relations in reference to the crime, drug dealing and even loitering. With NO RESULTS. Its unfortunate u lost a love one & I send u my love. I hope the loser is caught and prosecuted. I will still continue to fight for assistance for you, I and our community.

    Herring Run resident
    2800 blk of Pelham

  6. Robbery is not as easy as it looks. Yes, the robber is the one with the gun but the adrenaline is surging, there is a competitive edge added to the equation if it is a male robbing a male, and lastly, the victim becomes a witness if the victim is left breathing. Add a a throbbing need for opiates, pain killers, meth, crack or alcohol on top of an already stressful situation, and maybe the victim isn't as cooperative as the robber thinks they need to be, and the gun will go off. Evil has very little to do with it.

  7. Here is a nice full article about the guy:


    A damned shame. Sounds like at least one person witnessed the shooting, though. I hope they catch the person who did this.

  8. Cham:

    That's a disgusting attempt to excuse what armed thugs do to innocent people. If you murder someone in the course of a robbery you are evil. Period, end of story. The idea that adrenalin or a need for drugs somehow makes a low-life less culpable for their actions is idiotic.

  9. Evil is not so cut and dried. It would be nice if it was, but it isn't.
