Monday, September 10, 2012

Trust no one and grow a beard

Phillip Johnson, 23, was convicted of shooting his cousin.

Because storing all of your emails and texts isn't 1984-ish enough for the gubmint, the FBI is also now reportedly spending a billion bucks on face-recognition technology. Considering the technology has an 8 percent failure rate, quips a wag at the Business Insider, "now's probably not the best time to start growing that Bin Laden beard." (or maybe it's exactly the best time, eh? That can't waterboard everybody, right?)

Ps., local news reported that Roland Park Elementary/Middle went on lockdown at around 8 a.m. today as police pursued a car thief on foot, but a student there tells me that's not true, though there were a lot of helicopters overhead. (Said thief was reportedly eventually apprehended à pied on Elmwood Ave)

Four people were robbed by six people of $4 in Lake Walker.

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