Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Concealed carry, y'all, whut whut?

The Washington Times says arguments will kick off tomorrow down in Richmond in the concealed-carry case, aka Wollard v.  Gallagher (in the meantime there are also a ton of other fascinating issues on the dockets, including the Merzbacher case* (The child rapist w/ the thief lawyer that Prevas sent to jail), UPS being sued by one Peggy Young, allegedly forced from her job for getting pregnant, and  transgender prisoner Ophelia De'Lonta suing for gender-appropriate accomodation. Doug Gansler will be arguing the less-guns position, BCounty resident Raymond Wollard will be rep'd by lawyers from the Second Amendment Foundation of Bellevue, WA. 
In the meantime the court of BCrime mostly supports no-cause concealed carry permits:

good idea
  98 (57%)
bad idea
  54 (31%)
I have no idea what you're talking about.
  18 (10%)

Votes so far: 170
Poll closed 

In the meantime I'll bet anyone on here a buck that the first person shot by a permitted concealed weapon in MD after this law passes will not be a criminal. Blog as my witness, send me your email and I will Paypal you $1 if the first recipient of a concealed-carried bullet is actually shot during the commission of a crime. But if it's a kid accidentally shooting their face off, road-rage BS, domestic murder/suicide or some doucheburger in the ER w/ their nards shot off you little gunslingers better pay up.

ps.  the MD suicide rate in 2010 was 48th in the country, at 8.7 per 100,000 ... wonder what it'll be a year after concealed-carry?


  1. How in the world would concealed carry affect the suicide rate? It's already perfectly legal to buy a handgun in this state, you just can't carry it around with you outside of your home. Even if we banned handguns it just as easy to kill yourself with a shotgun in the mouth.

    I suppose if you were planning on committing suicide somewhere outside of your home you could legally carry your concealed weapon with you as you travel to blow your brains out. If that's your plan then I doubt that concealed weapons laws are a concern of yours anyways.

  2. Re: domestic murder/suicide, again that's not affected by concealed carry. You can own a gun in your home without a concealed carry permit.

    Re: accidental shooting by a kid, again, this is not affected by concealed carry. If irresponsible parents keep a gun in their home and don't secure it properly then concealed carry in no way affects their kid's ability to get to that gun and do dumb things with it.

  3. Concealed carry makes ownership more appealing. More guns walking around = more impulsive/accidental shooting events. A huge number of suicides are impulse events. What's more dangerous to kids, the gun in a safe in the closet, or the one in mom's purse or that dad walks around with in a shoulder holster? More access = more impact. Let's check back in a few months and see, eh?

  4. More appealing? Carrying a concealed handgun around is a much bigger pain in the ass than keeping one in your nightstand. Shooting an intruder in your home is also much easier to defend legally than shooting someone on the street.

    I don't know of any unbiased research or statistics on this particular subject, but I would be very, very surprised if most concealed carry permit holders didn't own a gun before getting a permit. Someone who isn't comfortable with a gun in their home isn't suddenly going to carry one around under their jacket.

  5. It's interesting that Maryland, New Jersey and New York have the lowest suicide rate, yet people kill themselves in record numbers out in Wyoming, Alaska and Montana. Living in God's country must be more miserable than people let on.

    It's good to have neighbors.

  6. I'm with mb on this one, and I'll add $1 that it happens out in some stupid suburb or rural area and not the city. Ever notice how mass-shootings always seem to happen in middle-class suburbs? Cities out in "god's country" are basically extended suburbs clumped together. Not good for the soul.

  7. I'll narrow it down and add a dollar. The first CCW shooting will occur in Washington County and it will be about a boundary dispute.

  8. Wow, talk about people in denial. Mass shootings in suburban areas are incredibly rare flukes, barely blips on the statistical radar. If you look at actual statistics it's clear just how absurd your notion that middle class suburbanites are the people we should all be afraid of is. Let me guess, next you'll claim that the drug problem in Baltimore is actually caused by middle class kids from Baltimore County buying dope?

    Re: suicide, I'd want to shoot myself as well if I lived in Alaska. I like living in the city but I'm also under no illusion about the fact I'm at a higher risk of being a crime victim by living here.

  9. We don't know whether the drug problem is about middle class kids from Baltimore County buying dope because we don't have the data to make that conclusion. That doesn't mean it isn't true.

    If the police were to provide real data about arrests they make of drug-buying customers(not drug dealing charges that have been reduced to simple possession, but actual buyers) we may find that the majority of them come from the counties and a large portion of them are Caucasians.

    I'm terrified of middle class suburbanites, which is why I know longer go to malls and stadia. I hated being at the MVA last week. Suburbanites do enjoy a good mass shooting, unlike the city they don't care who they kill just as long as they kill.

  10. "I'm terrified of middle class suburbanites, which is why I know longer go to malls and stadia."

    Thanks for once again reminding me why I don't take you seriously.

  11. You could well be right, pp, and we'll just have to see how the data plays out there in MD. I too am more uncomfortable in the suburbs. In the city perverts look like perverts and crazies look like crazies for the most part. Why does it seem like mass random shootings are more of a white male/suburban epidemic, there are not so many black a/o urban mass shooters (John Muhammad and the Wisconsin spa guy being exceptions).

  12. Ahh the "Wild Wild West" argument. Nice taking a page right from the Brady Campaign. Because that happens all the time in other states right? I love your blog, but find it disheartening knowing that you don't support citizens being able to defend themselves with a CHP. In Maryland the politicians, rich and politically connected get CHPs, but I guess only important people should be able to defend themselves. But people like Zach Sowers weren't rich or important enough to be able to protect their lives, right?
