Thursday, November 8, 2012

Cheery Pinwheels

So a camera captured an image of Tyrone Alson, 19, left, shooting his "girlfriend" Tashawna Jones in the back of the mf'in head* while she was standing on the gd'd street at 26th and Guilford at 5 o'fcknclock p.m. Yet "Court records show Alston was charged Oct. 20 with drug-related charges, but was released on his own recognizance as police built the murder case against him." Yes, kids, he was out and about, free as a jaybird for 11 days. Did the SAO not give homicide permission to arrest him? And even if that's the case, why was he not held on the drug charges? .. just when one thinks one is sufficiently grizzled and cynical enough not to be shocked by what goes down in this town... gahhh! (And what's with the "900"tattooed on his forehead?)

Campbell left, Waller right
Remember Kenyon Waller and William Campbell, arrested on October 1 after being tied to three* off-the-street abductions, robberies and sexual assaults? The pair has now been tied to crimes against 11 victims. Though unlike Tyrone Alson they have been in jail for the past month, at least.

A car stolen this morning with a 7-year-old in it in the 5900 block of Fairwood Ave in the NE -- the driver (presumably dad) left the boy in the car to drop off another child at daycare, he was dropped off at a bus stop. The car, a silver 2004 Ford Explorer, license tag No. 828M506, is still missing, call 911 if you see it. And, er, don't leave your kid(s) in the car with the car unlocked and the keys in the ignition, for fuck's sake.

Police have turned over their evidence in the case of Anthony Anderson's homicide to the SAO*

This Pigtown crime map shows various malfeasances as cheery pinwheels

Sheila Dixon has been charged with a probation violation for being behind $13k on her mandated charitable contributions (woman hain't got no job, how is she supposed to pay?)

Batts gets officially sworn in today, also also Jesse Jackson (Sr) will be in town to form a soul and kosher coalition against the new youth jail. (How I wish there was a better-quality clip of this) (also apropos of nothing Baltimore or crime, quality article on Jesse Jr. in the NYMag this week)

The FBI is working on a new biometric facial recognition mobile app, say they're two years away

The MD Divorce Lawyer Blog helpfully posts a guide for same-sex couples on how to get married in MD. I'm sure the law offices of Silverman, Thompson, Slutkin and White wish all of our newly minted fiancees many months of married bliss... followed by several years of protracted bickering over every piece of flatware in the house. (I kid! I kid!)


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