Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Truce on Drugs

Still pondering "The Truce on Drugs" -- could it be that murders are creeping up again because Batts isn't vigorously applying Bealefeld's strategy? And/but to what extent was that strategy applied to begin with? A cursory perusal of "inputs" at Central Booking still shows that CDS (Controlled Dangerous Substance, aka drug) arrests still shows made up a good 1/3-1/2 of the top charges-- if that's deprioritizing, holy shit. The OpenBaltimore data also shows 48,870 arrests for 2011, vs. the 65,000 the article asserts ... but even if there were an extra 16,000 undocumented arrests and none were CDS, that's still 25,813 arrests between Jan of 2011 and August of 2012 where drugs were the "top arrest charge." Still, shootings do appear to be way down, and that's something: 381 last year, vs 725 in 2000.

Good gracious, mere days after Andre Littlejohn was arrested for viciously abusing his two-month-old daughter, 20-year-old Dion Kearrie Ware is being charged with murdering his one-month-old son, Kearrie Dion Ware on Monday. (The Sun says he was 7 weeks, but still*) WTF, people? Babies just lie there, if they're annoying you can just go to another room! BTW if you're feeling overwhelmed as a parent, even if you don't feel like you're about to lay a smack down, I can't recommend enough calling 1-800-4-A-CHILD. It's 24/7, completely anonymous, staffed by really sweet trained social workers. And if a baby is crying there is absolutely nothing wrong with putting the baby in a crib and going outside for a minute.

Sad: the murder trial of James Cureton/Careton, accused of killing Tanise Ervin in 2011, was postponed -- both sides were prepared, family members and Mary Pat Clarke were in the house, but a judge could not be found. Also, there's a Judge Carrion in the city.

Also, Thomas Lee Meighan Jr., who got 13 years* for the hit-and-run vehicular homicide of 20-year-old Hopkins student Miriam Frankl, is trying to get some "post-conviction relief." In addition to the Frankl case he had nine previous DUI convictions and also pleaded guilty to another hit-and-run (!!) and got a suspended sentence for that (!!!). You may recall that in the Frankl case* a half-dozen people called 911* to report his wild, drunken ride from Highlandtown to Charles Village the city to Bel Air (with a break to pee on Patterson Park), but police ignored all of the calls.

A former city police officer/former RN was arrested for the shooting in Parkton that was called, at first, a "hunting accident"-- the shooter, Richard Heymann, says he intended to fire a warning shot but accidentally plugged the guy in the thigh.

A woman was stabbed in Owings Mills

Ew, in Edgewood a 27-year-old former employee of the city schools is charged with raping and impregnating a 15-year-old who he was supposed to be giving "therapy" to.

Former Orioles third-baseman Doug DeCinces has been charged with insider trading: 42 counts of securities fraud and one count of money laundering

Thirty years for a guy who robbed and murdered his quinquagenarian drug dealer

Missing teen Tyler Grimes was found

A man in Barclay was robbed while unloading groceries (reported as if that doesn't happen, like, every other day)

The Towson murder of Alsawab Sawab, 27, was reportedly "not random"


  1. The solution to keep daddies from blunt force trauma-ing their young children to death is a bit more complex than telling them to go to another room when they feel frustrated. The number of daddies accidentally killing their own children is on the increase because more daddies are becoming active caregivers. The way males are taught to deal with conflict is completely different from the way females are taught to deal with conflict. And girls are often taught parenting skills during their childhood while they are expected to care for siblings, while boys aren't often given that responsibility.

    Couple all that with a local economy and hiring process that favors women more than men and we have a steady increase in dead babies. This problem can probably be solved with a little education and change in mindset, but it will take time and a little effort, and probably a whole bunch of obnoxious billboards.

  2. is killing a baby "dealing with conflict"? "Hm, you want to scream, baby, but I want to play Xbox, how should we deal with this? Perhaps smacks followed by some vigorous shaking?"

  3. Yes, you got the crux of the problem. When boys are upset they are allowed/encouraged to hit one another. When girls get upset they are instructed to "be nice" so they learn twisted passive aggressive conflict resolution skills that have emotionally damaging though less violent results.

    However, mommies like to play uninterrupted XBox too, but with less upper body strength they are less likely to shake baby to death.(Or maybe they just like to continually smack the unruly child like I saw happen in the store yesterday)

    The future billboards are going to start popping up any minute: "Angry? Don't Shake Baby", "Put the Game Controller Down and Parent Your Kids" and NOM's will say "Married People Shake Fewer Children"

  4. " Edgewood a 27-year-old former employee of the city schools is charged with raping and impregnating a 15-year-old who he was supposed to be giving "therapy" to."

    WHA? According to republicans this can't happen. Obviously it wasn't "Real Rape" right guys...

  5. I would put forward that a good way to avoid shaken and dead babies is not to produce unwanted kids in the first place. Call me crazy, but I'd offer long-term, hard to screw-up birth control to any woman that wants it. For the investment of a little money now, you can save on court costs and incarcerations later. I just hope Obamacare does enough to solve this.

  6. Married People Shake Fewer Children, heh!
    Ha, Evaline, I thought the same thing with the rape story. .. I hope ObamaCare helps, but unlike what the Rat Wang would like everyone to believe it isn't "Government Health Care"- you'll get free birth control but only if you already have insurance... does Medicare cover birth control? ... even so there's still going to be a big gap between people who are not poor enough for Medicare but not "rich" enough to afford a few hundred bucks a month for health insurance, or for the exam + pills etc.

  7. With little fanfare and no publicity, Baltimore City very quietly began offering free birth control to its residents last year. Shhhhh, we don't want to awaken the Religious Right.

  8. Huh, that's interesting. I thought (maybe wrong) that with Obamacare since you're forced to have insurance, and since insurance companies are forced to offer it for free, most people would end up with free access. I feel like if medicare got exempted out of free BC somehow we woulda heard about it...

    Cham, that's interesting. I hope it does some good.

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