Monday, December 31, 2012


... will be the 2012 murder total, if Baltimoreans can refrain from killing anyone else for 240 more minutes. Victim 216 was killed Friday and ID'd as Monday Griffin, age 18. Last year we had 197 murders, 
2010 = 223
2009 = 237;
2008 was 234;
2007 was 291;
2006 was 274; 
2005 was 269. So while 216 isn't great, it also isn't the crazy totals we were seeing in the O'Malley mayorial years, either.

There's apparently a sex tape of Phylicia Barnes and her alleged killer,* which means even if he gets out of murder charges he could get charged with underage-sex offenses, right?

Fenton Instagram'd a picture of what you look like from the police helicopter cam, which is a sight better than the pole camera view.

Don Dwyer has (finally) been charged for his August drunken-boating boondoggle, just in time to watch gay people get married, ding ding! An 80's movie couldn't have conjured a better come-uppance (minus the  5-year-old with the fractured skull, of course).

From Salon: the NRA's war on gun-safety research. And the NYT quotes Bealefeld in a story on how the ATF's ability to share data on firearms sales has been limited.

Care to step in the wayback machine? Here's BCrime's 2005 "the year that was", 2009, and 2011

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