Thursday, December 20, 2012

A reptile agenda from outer space

Alexander Kinyua was found guilty but not criminally responsible* for blinding his former friend Joshua Ceasar by beating him with a barbed-wire-festooned baseball bat, and killing Kujoe Bonsafo Ageyi-Kode (and eating some of his victuals). Kinyua apparently had unmedicated schizophrenia and believed that he was a prophet with secret powers, that there was a reptilian agenda from outer space that was replacing his family with imposters, and that his friend Joshua Caesar was conspiring to have him arrested by police on false charges. In spite of what sounds like copious evidence that he was loopy as a bowl of ramen, and even though Kinyua asked for help from the university counselling offices, officials at Morgan didn't (or couldn't) follow up. Nor does it sound like anyone tried to have him committed involuntarily. Major problem: crazy people don't know they're crazy, or they do know it and take their meds, but think they're cured when the meds work, then quit taking them and go back to being crazy. Presumably Kinyua will stay at the Clifford T. Perkins hospital for a longlong time.

Another Spectator-related show from Marc Steiner, with AFJM's sister and Alan Foreman. 

...If you'd like to send the Spectator a Christmas card, you can send it to: Frank MacArthur; I.D. # 2335662531; East Madison Street; Baltimore, Maryland 21202. You can also send him a money order for his commissary account if you are so moved, on your money order you must include MacArthur's I.D. number and the letters, "C.B.I.F." for Central Booking Intake Facility. UPDATE: Meister says his hearing will now be Dec 28 at 8:30 a.m. in room 215 of the Mitchell Courhouse, and Jill Carter is his lawyer.

One shot middle-aged man and a passel of juvenile suspects,* just over the city line on the AAC side of Brooklyn Park.

The case of the Subway sandwich-shop robber, named either Jamal or Jamar Bailey, was scheduled for re-arraignment, since he's charged with other misdeeds and the judge wants to consolidate the cases. And Jan 4, Steve Gewirtz plans to attend the trial of Derrick BrownAntwan Mosley and Danyae Robinson, accused of shooting and killing 12-year-old Sean Johnson as he watched a baseball game on his front porch.

In Cumberland, 25-year-old Brian Cotter was convicted of murdering his cellmate, 57-year-old Lewis Thompson Jr. Cotter allegedly strangled Thompson, then staged the scene to make it look like a suicide. 

Blahblahblah jackass, four days in jail blahblahblah sports.... more from the Sun.* And if you follow his example, you too might be rewarded with four days of relative peace and quiet, cable television and a solid excuse to never have to go to another ballgame.

Ten years for alleged heroin dealer Keith Massenberg, 45 and a previously convicted felon, 10 years for heroin dealer Wayne Lampkin, 41,  co-conspirator with the Gettis organization who allegedly dealt his wares near a charter school (... it doesn't say which school).

And did you know? Every time there's a mass shooting gun sales go through the roof. WalMart has now reportedly sold out of semi-automatics in many locations. Also surging: sales of armored backpacks. Totally want one, but wouldn't they be insanely heavy? Note to self, contact Miguel Caballero re. new backpack line. And speaking of school shootings, Lady Gaga has finally gotten around to contacting Daniel Borowy.

Finally, media blabber: Anne Linskey, reporter with a heart of gold and nads of steel, is leaving the Sun to work for Bloomberg. She used to cover crime in the city with Julie Bycowicz (who also fled for Bloomberg) and more recently was covering Annapolis. I'll never forget her yelling at Sheila Dixon as she left the courthouse following her conviction, "so who's the mayor now, Ms. Dixon?" Bloomberg's gain is Baltimore's loss. Bew. 

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