Saturday, December 1, 2012

must have bagpipes

This situation. This negotiator. A tale told in Tweets. Lots and lots of Tweets. Here are some:

the polive have found me 
its about to be over ... I could die tonight. Thanks for tuning in ...My final thoughts for now will come in several parts. It's directed squarely at my fake, white, liberal friends. Particularly the gays... To the same people who've jumped up and down for the longest time crying about "dignity, fairness & equality," I knew you were full of it. ..If those things were truly such a concern. Why is it when it comes to others, ur all silent? Cuz ur selfish and fake. Nothing more to it. ... remember my funeral wishes ...
I stated them clearly in the show other night. must have bagpipes ... I am not afraid, but my family deserves better... my daughter deserves better. baltimore deserves betteer ...remember to tell my daughter I love her ... my story has been laid out there. now you will see how it ends. thanks for ignoringme baltimore sun. good job fenton ... proof, u need proof, why so many cops staged outside my position???? that proof enough???

BPD swat probably responds to several barricade situations every day. Very common, most end calmly. Only difference tonight: it was a show.

This dude is having a tweet-up with Baltimore City Police.

I don't know enough about  situation to really speak on it BUT I will say he is effectively using social media right now!

This entire thing was about him getting attention and having people hear his complaints. It worked.

"This is a ratings bonanza," he says. "It's 10:57. Let's wrap this up for the networks." Sigh.

Hey . your client James MacArthur  is about to get arrested by Baltimore PD. So go to the police station

Do not have vantage point of spectator's door. Officer confirms he's in custody peacefully. 

Michael A. Wood Jr. ‏@MichaelAWoodJr
 The Sergeant out there has reached out to me. You have no excuse. He's a good man of God.

 thanks! Great team effort.

And a Twitpic.

... still not clear on what was it is he was wanted for. Failure to appear from 2009 "and another for subsequent failure to appear in court, according to court records, and the situation was ratcheted up after police said MacArthur made threatening statements to officers over social media." says Fenton, but which statements (and which gays? ... and no, he wasn't on the 11 o'clock news.

Update: a concise summation from Ed Ericsson ("police were taking MacArthur #serious"), also helpfuly cites a 2010 Fenton story that splains MacArthur's orginial charges and why you can't find em on the JIS (it's under 'Frank McArther').


  1. What's the deal with the spectator? I subscribed to his feed. Some interesting stuff, mixed with seeming hysteria/persecution complex/conspiracy theories. It wouldn't surprise me to hear that a corrupt police dept. wanted to silence the guy, though. Doesn't seem too fond of the police, and the authoritarians don't like to be questioned...

  2. I really don't know any more than anyone else does. More discussion on our FB group, FWIW

  3. Oh that Judiciable Case Search. Wouldn't you get mad if people searched for you?

  4. He wrote about the warrant extensively on his blog-- he was frustrated that no one could find it (and, also, like, broadcasted the standoff) so I think he's ok with it.
