Thursday, January 3, 2013

Facebook friend convicted of 1st-degree murder

A first-degree murder conviction for the killer/robber of one of 2011's #LeakinParkBodies, that of Lois Jean Vance Smyth (a 40-year-old white mother of two, apparently also known as Lois Morman). Killer Kenneth Todd Brunetti was a high school friend the victim had apparently reconnected with on Facebook, who met up with her for jogging, then robbed her, shot her, stuffed her in her own trunk and drove off in her car.

The owner of Blue Agave-- ah yes, that place, it serves the most delightful warm cheese dip!-- is charged with ... raping a patron*?! What?? 

Suspect runs into family's basement, family dog runs into yard, cop shoots and kills the family dog.
Of course the dead dog now has a Facebook page.

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