Saturday, January 12, 2013

Four people killed

So much for the New Year's lull, three people were shot to death and one stabbed last night* (and the weekend isn't even half over yet). Editorial note, I'm not going to keep a 2013 toll-- it's time consuming and also redundant since this info is available elsewhere. But if you are ISO a running homicide tally for 2013 it looks like Cham is keeping one on her page.

More deets on that Loch Raven apt-building blowtorch/flamethrower situation* from someone named Carrie Wells at the Sun (and firewall-less version from the Deuce. WMAR is pretty worthless for the local news, except on weekends, when it's actually pretty decent).

Oh fer ef's sake-- an 88-year-old robbed at gunpoint at the York Road Walgreens and Middle School students robbed on Regester Ave in the area right north of the city line on York Rd. (aka Idlewylde).

There's a gun show at the fairgrounds. Fun times.

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