Monday, January 28, 2013

Misconduct Monday

Speaking of Gregg Bernstein, not long after the Hitler post, he made an appearance on* the Larry Young show on WOLB 1010 AM (have other people heard of this station?) to defend his decision to not pursue any charges against Detective Todd Strohman, the one who tackled Anthony Anderson, causing his death. Bernstein said that the ME found that Anderson had a pre-existing enlarged spleen, which is interesting because the autopsy report doesn't mention that at all and lists his primary cause of death as from torso injuries. Also interesting, Bernstein apparently agreed with a caller that the war on drugs is "not working," but apparently didn't explain why, then, his office still prosecutes them.

An officer shot a man tonight who he believed was concealing a gun*-- the man is in serious condition and the gun apparently has not been found. Fenton Tweets it's the second police-involved shooting since Friday night.

And finally in misconduct news, the Board of Estimates is fixing to pay out $270,000 in settlements, on top of the $10.4 million paid out in the previous three years.

... and here's a link to the full Fenton Phylicia Barnes* court case report of the day, and a bonus douchey detail:

Deena testifies that when [Michael Johnson] came over the night Phylicia disappeared, he said he was concerned for himself since he was last to see her


  1. I am shocked that Bernstein went on WOLB. I would have liked to hear that exchange and what his defense was.
    I like to refer to that station as 'Angry Black Radio'

  2. Does anyone other than me find everything Deena Barnes says to be completely un-credible?

  3. WOLB covers topics that the other stations don't. It can be informative. It was is Bernstein's best interest to offer himself to alternative venues that aren't the same approving talking heads.

  4. @Cham, it was definitely in his best interest to go on WOLB. Had he just released a statement and went on about his business, Black Baltimore certainly woudnt have let him live it down. Im glad to hear he had something to say and opened up a forum for a public Q&A. Im sure it will help to quell some of the anger and outrage that was left behind from this incident. Wish I would have heard it.

    @Anonymous, If my sister/BFF would have joinked my mans junk, I would have strangled her! I wonder why big sis was never considered a suspect? Who knows, you never get the full story until after everything is over. I still think the sister had something to do with it.

  5. Why wouldn't you believe Deana Barnes?

  6. @MB, could you imagine the amount of jealousy that may have been sparked from the moment when Phylicia reached for her sister's boyfriends penis? Even by Deena's own admission, her and her boyfriend's relationship began to fall apart at that moment. Also, not to mention, the boyfriend had been attracted and aroused by the young lady. It was proposed by the prosecution (for whatever its worth) that there had been a mutual attraction between the two. So what was Miss Deena to do? Dump the boyfriend and put him out on his azz like the trash that he was. After all, he was a low down dirty dog for going after the person that was closest to her. As for her sister, what was the best and immediate relief for the anger of feeling betrayed by someone who was very close to her? A fight perhaps. A fight could have ended in an accidental death.
    After joinking incident, I wonder what the argument was about that night or the next morning. There had to be a load of tension in that house. Tension that rose like heat from a fire from a betrayed sister and a scorned lover. Im just saying...

  7. The whole Deanna-Johnson-Phyllicia love triangle is strange. It's too complex for my tiny brain to fathom. In short, I think Mr. Johnson is guilty of homicide and moving a body (and being a gross person but that isn't a crime).

    Sex video involving a minor, yuck.

  8. No doubt Deena had a lot to be bitter about, sounds like her dad abandoned her to start a new life in NC and Phylicia got all of the attention and resources that Deena never did. Letting her underage sister get drunk, naked and molested on tape is more than just irresponsible-twentysomething funtime sister hijinks in my book. Did Deena use her sister as bait to try to get her man back, or did she use the man to try to get back at her sister? Or is she just a doormat along for the ride?

  9. I don't really know what Deanna was up to. She may just not have that many brain cells, and was leading a party lifestyle. Phyllicia Barnes may have seen these visits to Baltimore as a way to temporarily escape her strict home-life for a few days and live on the wild side as some 16 year olds like to test boundaries. I understand the boundary-testing but teens still need some adult supervision. Phyllicia might have wanted to pull back from the orgies, sex videos and weird relationships with her sister's boyfriend, and Mr. Johnson didn't like it.

    Hindsight being 20/20, Phyllicia's biological dad should have requested Deanna come live with his family. Looks like Deanna could have used a little oversight as well. Given the opportunity, fathers can be less concerned about a welfare check, food stamps and subsidized housing for themselves when it comes to their kids and be much more concerned about the best interest and protection of the children.

    I strongly suspect this is why the fathers are arguing at the courthouse, as well they should. I'm on their side.
