Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lies, sit-ups and refreshments

A cop in a federal drug case was caught lying, and Jayne Miller is wondering why lying cops are still working cases.

Today in Dr. Levy news, lawyers are demanding to know why his pen-camera wasn't discovered earlier,* and say previous patients stopped seeing him because of a lack of a "chaperone" in the room. FHBIII has now been called back from retirement to help on the case. (non-Sun link) ... if you're looking for a good ladydoctor, I can't say enough nice things about this practice.

A total of 12 officers have now been charged by the feds in the case of the beating of Kenneth Davis at Roxbury.

That gun-control bill is going up for a vote in the Senate today.

City officials are working out a deal to hold Brekford, the vendor of the new speed cameras, accountable for mistakes, but won't tell anyone just how they'll be doing that.

Whistleleaker Bradley Manning is set to give a statement today on why he passed info along to Wikileaks.

So the officer candidate who was shot in the head has been named, and he's 43. They take 40-somethings? Really? I guess they do. Searching around the only requirements appear to be that you're at least 20 and meet some rather underwhelming physical requirements (29 sit-ups in a minute? Sheeit, I hope so!)

Speaking of the BPD, couple of events:
Baltimore Police Community Ride-Along and Open House:
Friday, March 1st from 2:00-10:00pm @ Northern District Station
2201 West Coldspring Lane

Ever wanted to ride along with a police officer, observe first hand the work officers do on a daily basis? Then this is your chance. On Friday March 1st the Northern District will be hosting a community ride-along and open house. Participants will be paired with an officer and will patrol with them for several hours of their shift. Afterward refreshments will be served and participants will have the option to attend several presentations and a station house tour.

Those wishing to participate in the ride along are requested to be at the Northern District Station between 2:00pm and 2:20pm . The ride –along will continue until 6:00pm when refreshments will be served. The open house will continue until 10:pm. Participants need not participate in both segments of the event.

Reservations are requested to participate in the ride-along portion RSVP by calling 410-367-8491 ( If you leave a message with your name and Phone Number a slot will be reserved. You may also RSVP via E-mail at

Coffee with a Cop: Saturday, March 2nd at McDonald’s at 29th and Greenmount  9 a.m. to Noon Coffee Provided by McDonald’s

Join Northern District Police Officers for a Coffee Break: Meet and Great them, tell them what you think, find out about the challenges they face every day on the job, or just get to know them over a cup of coffee.


  1. Is the Federal Case lying cop the same cop that was in the video posted Fenton tweeted that said "I would fuck you up"?

