Monday, March 4, 2013

Baltimore Shake n Bake

WMAR says five, the Sun says six murders this past weekend,* which has got to be close to some kind of record.

So even though the vast majority of Marylanders support the basic provisions of the bill, last Friday protestors against the Firearm Safety bill way outnumbered people who showed up to support the bill, now passed by the senate and moving on to the house as HB 294. The bill doesn't take anyone's guns away, specifies the right to carry between a residences and places of business and gives gun buyers until October 2013 to buy all of the assault weapons they can. New provisions include fingerprinting for licenses, keeping the previously forcibly committed from buying, letting police officers examine gun-shop sales records-- I guess before only the ATF could do that. Anyway, if you have an opinion on this bill, especially if you are from Baltimore city, a demographic markedly missing from Friday's protests, it would behoove you to contact your elected officials to offer your opinion.

Friends, hundreds of bystanders and cameras everywhere, yet no one who was on the Ravens' parade route will step forward to ID 15-year-old De'ontae Smith's killer.*

Life + 35 for Anthony Cole, who shot at this wife but killed a bystander instead.

WTF? In the county one Charles V. Palmer is charged with stabbing his 14-year-old son in the neck.*

Family of LaRelle Amos are still ISO answers about who shot her.

A Dateline-worthy mystery in Kent County: what happened to Robin Pope?

Perhaps this?


  1. The majority support gun control is more like it. However the majority support bills with ever reading them. People support vague concepts but never really dig into the details until after the bill is passed and then they all cry and moan about it. Just look at Obama-care it is a good concept but who read the bill? Now professionals in the healthcare industry have read it and are crying fowl.

  2. Uhm, you mean crying foul? ... the more I read about Obamacare the more I like it, my family's doctors all have had nothing but positive things to say so far.

  3. I hear complaint after complaint about the new reporting regulations that require data be made available to CMS-(US federal agency which administers Medicare, Medicaid, and the State Children's Health Insurance Program.).

  4. Maybe shake and bake means this -
