Monday, April 15, 2013

A six+-bullet weekend

A 16-year-old was shot last night in the 1600 block of N. Ellamont St., a 19-year-old was shot Saturday night on N. Eden St., a man was shot in the 3300 block of Belair Road and a guy was shot in the leg on the Alameda.*

Tanya Raymond
The female victim of a shooting Friday in the SW on Kinsey Aveue, Tanya Raymond, died of her injuries. UPDATE: 22 year-old Gerald Gaffney was arrested.* He certainly looks the part.
Gerald Gaffney

And another female victim was shot Friday night on Vine St. on the West side

SCOTUS declined to hear a case challenging restrictions on concealed-carry permits, in a case from the 2nd circuit that sounds quite similar to Woollard.

Seriously, Michael Smith? What the hell is wrong with you? Dude was arrested after injuring his 9-month-old child in a domestic violence incident.

Gak! Human remains found in a garage is Essex*

Another day, another BGE scam, this one over the telemaphone.

Allegedly racist, sexist 1st Mariner Bank is now off FDIC supervision.

Police still don't know who kidnapped Vi Ripken* (or who, like, committed 60% of the city's murders last year either).

The Jarrett trial goes on, with defense lawyers arguing that just because Christine Jarrett went missing, and just because her husband was seen pouring cement in his back yard in the middle of the night, and just because she happened to be found under the cement, doesn't mean that her abusive ex did it.* That George Psoras must have been so much fun for his parents as a kid.

Breitbart is awful, no doubt, but you have to enjoy the headline "Maryland Governor Taxes Rain."

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