Saturday, May 18, 2013

Catalog shopping and a naked man on a fire truck

Woman murdered in Arbutus in a "domestic," awkward stock image used, details scant. But hey, Mercy hospital's use of technology to detect strangulation bruising is "getting international attention." ... hrm, that victim's name sounds familiar.

Homicides closed, motives and explanations lacking.* 

Officer Robert Mitchell is in trouble for assaulting someone on N Mount Street last May, a fracas allegedly publicized* via WorldStarHipHop (link plz?)

Tavon "Bulldog" White got his bid for federal prison,* where you can get your hair done and shop out of catalogs, whilst a Fredneck Democrat and a Scheißhaus Eastern Shore Republican defended the prison guards' bill of rights. And you must give grudging props to anyone able to fail upward in such a spectacular fashion: head of DPCS investigations, Jesse Ballard III, is retiring with his schweet state pension* to double-dip with a federal job. Maybe with a new investigator we can finally be first in non-consensual jailhouse sex. Goddamn you Marion County IL.

PCP: it's a helluva drug

Joe Vallario's district: soft on crime, hard on a nude man smoking angel dust on a fire truck. Wonder if Mohamed Bah is any relation to murder victim Oumar Bah.

Betting pool: how many couples will show to be married by SRB in a mass wedding at the Pride Festival* on June 16 at Druid Hill Park? Is that wonderful or creepy? Dear God won't someone please tell me what to think?!

Scott Calvert dishes the dirt on the speed-camera shutdown*

Patricidal HoCo teen Morgan Arnold has Asberger's, mental health issues,* walked around meowing with ears on before going goth. Mom alleges she pushed for more mental health treatment but dad resisted.

And Obama visited.


  1. I'll stick my neck out and defend SRB, even though she's one of my least favorite people. Every once in a while I attend the gay parade or the gay festival, not because I'm gay but because they give away lots of free stuff.

    In the thick of the gay-marriage and DOMA fight and just a few months before a heated state election a few years ago I found myself on Charles Street watching the gay parade while chasing the free candy. The parade had attract several thousand adults, the kind that looked like they vote. You'd think the politicians would be out in droves. Only two pols that had the balls to show up was SRB and faggot delegate Luke Clippinger. Clippinger was too fat to walk, but SRB walked on the cobblestone in 5 inch designer heels, in the heat, the whole parade.

    SRB has been a gay advocate for a long time, obviously well before it was cool. so if she wants to marry a billion people in the park for whatever reason that is fine by me.

  2. I went to last year's. Jack Young was there looking very uncomfortable.'s the mass-wedding thing-- if she can find couples who want to do it good on 'em, but mass weddings I just find cultish and creepy in general.
