Wednesday, May 1, 2013

No good deed etc etc

#70: unnamed man, 1200 block of Walters Ave,* not too far from where the Feds seized guns last Thursday, coincidentally or not. And two more shootings and a stabbing in the past day.

No shirt, shortlock: inmates push corrections officers' boundaries;* O'Malley's never cared about prison reform.*

Remember that badass deputy in HarfCo, Christopher Behles, who got into a fender-bender, then was dragged by a car when the suspect, William Harvey V, tried to flee? Well, he's now facing reckless endangerment charges, because no good deed etc etc.

O'Malley's fixing to sign that BS medical marijuana bill, the one that gives all the green to "Academic Medical Centers" and does nothing about the issue of 1% of the city's population getting arrested for pot possession every year.

Trial might actually start Monday for Markell Shelton Jones, who at the age of 17 was caught on tape murdering Freddie Jones Jr. (no relation) at the Yau Bros. carryout at 29th & Greenmount, was turned in by his parents and confessed. In 2010, 72-year-old Charles Bowman was also murdered at the Yau Bros in a robbery that netted his killers $13, and two people were killed there in 2009.*

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