Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Weed indeed

The Ink recounts last week's two murders and has updates, including the solving of the 10-year-old murder of Jermain Murdock.

WTF?! A City College freshman was attacked and beaten by a mob of girls from the school and the girls' male accomplices.

Seven people have been shot over the past two days*

Fifty years for James Pasco, who scammed the elderly in SE Baltimore

Lots of robberies on the East side

Dayum, 140 pounds of pot in HarfCo

Good for Fox News (how often does one say that?) ... the local affiliate has filed a complaint after being shut out of Monday's meeting that gave $107 million of taxpayer money to the Exelon Corp.

Two people were sent to shock trauma after an arson at the Family Dollar


  1. LOL. So is that how the BCPD is solving cold cases now? Blame it on someone who had also just happen to have been killed a short time later. Good job. What a way to clear the books. What a joke! Unfortunately, I lost my brother to homicide not too long ago in our fair city. From day one I was very cooperative with the detectives in telling them what I knew about my brother's death and basically, I found out why they call it the First 48. Because after two days they stop giving a fuck. I was shown a picture of some guy who they believed was the trigger man, they claimed that they couldn't catch up with him, wrote it off as a drug deal gone bad and stopped giving two fucks immediately.

  2. Kiki: The reason the police department does this is because the FBI rules allows for this type of case closure, so the police maximize these postmortem case closures. There is no way to confirm or deny whether the alleged accused killers killed anyone, but the police can score a win for themselves that a case was closed. If the FBI didn't allow for this the homicide closure rate in most major cities would probably be 10 percentage points less, or more than that.

  3. Hmmm, I got jumped on my way home from City College, back in 1995 or 1996. I'm holding the global economy hostage until I get an apology and compensation for mental anguish from my attackers, who were unknown to me...about 10 of them. They ran off after assaulting me near to death.
