Monday, June 24, 2013

Make that 19

people shot the past weekend*-- 20 if you include a shooting in the 4700 block of Alhambra Ave at 12:45 a.m. and 21 if you trust the Deuce. After being MIA all weekend (another lobbyist's beach house?) SRB resurfaced today to issue a statement blaming illegal guns. Not satisfying, but still an improvement on Gugliemi's wet beer fart of a comment:
"This is a little bit of a spike in terms of the weekend, but all in all, we're pretty satisfied with the way the city is headed, violence-wise. These incidents are going to happen, so we want to set realistic expectations."
Then Batts walked around Hanover Street in large glasses, and Nick Mosby's wife blamed everything on Gregg Bernstein.

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