Thursday, August 1, 2013

Failing forward

Was trying to remind myself of the details of the Grand Prix's various debacles, as that hot mess is apparently expected to return September 1 yet still has no title sponsor* and apparently isn't getting one. So instead of just selling to the highest bidder, SRB's just going to leave that money on the table. And look who's paying the bills now*-- none other than two (now former) Constellation Energy aka Excelon executives, Felix J. Dawson and Daniel C. Reck.* Oh wait, no, a third sports marketing company is running it now-- it's had three different organizers in three years-- Baltimore Racing Development, Downforce Racing and now Andretti Sports Marketing. Mess, mess, mess.


  1. sad our city's govt is so inept... couldve been a real opportunity for Baltimore. instead it's business as usual. no ambition, no class.

  2. I think you're looking for something that's just not there....

    Neither Dawson nor Reck are still with constellation/exelon (according to the last article you linked..."two FORMER Constellation Energy Group executives"

    and that downforce racing doesn't even run the event according to the first article you linked...
    "Downforce Racing entered into a five-year agreement but had their contract terminated three months later after failing to meet their contractual requirements."

    all that said... this whole grand prix is so ridiculously mismanaged, and so politically driven. It's pretty ridiculous. it should never have happened in the first place, and SRB just can't admit it was a horrible idea, and refuses to pull the plug.

  3. Thanks for pointing that out. I haven't been following this story at all but am trying to figure out what's going on and didn't read the whole bbj article. So it's had three organizers in three years?

  4. The whole entire debacle shows the shortsightedness and poor judgement of the people running this city. How many times in a row does this thing have to be a financial bust before they just let it go?

    Each time we get new, different and more creative excuses for why we need to keep doing this.
