Friday, September 27, 2013

Brawl in the hall

A man was shot and killed yesterday in the 3900 block of Penhurst Avenue

A stabbing in the 3300 block of Piedmont Avenue
Via Fox

At least two brawls at Patterson High on Monday (filmed by students, of course) led to students getting pepper-sprayed, arrested.

In Odenton a 19-month-old girl was hit with bullet fragments, her parents say it's because they called police on drug dealers, and some neighbors are saying the family is racist.

Wait, what? Ed Ericson Jr., City Paper reporter, testified yesterday in the Jose Morales case.*

Life +15 for Phillip Herrell, who killed a guy for wearing a red shirt in the blue shirt part of town.

"My heart is broken." Batts held an impromptu press conference about the Northern Parkway crash and some other stuff while some guy in a black shirt makes monkey faces.

Batts reaffirmed police use of stop-and-frisks* the practice of interloping and groping. Notable:
"The department's record-keeping has been questioned in the past. Police reported only 11 such stops in 12 months in 2005, as internal figures showed the number was in the thousands. One estimate indicated there had been as many as 130,000 over the course of nine months. In 2010, city police statistics show officers conducted 234 stop-and-frisk stops, 207 in 2011, and 249 in 2012 through August 2012."
For Liz: Cecil County teenage suspects. Their mothers must be ever so proud.

Gun rights advocates file federal lawsuit zzzzzz*


  1. The expressions on the suspects'
    faces suggests they were pissed off
    because they were inconvenienced.

  2. The last one is how my dog looks when she realizes that the car has arrived at the vet instead of the dog park.
