Thursday, October 31, 2013

50 Ways to Cleave Your Lover

Fifty-five years for Larry Holly for the murder of Ryshawn Cox on N. Belnord Ave. in 2011.

Ninety-five and 110 years for Don Pulley and Terrence Rollins-Bey, who killed DeAngelo Bass and set his car on fire to conceal the crime, which was caught on camera.

Shawn Stevenson

Two life sentences for Shawn Stevenson in the death of Somchanh Sipayboun, the mother of his children and partner of 13 years. Stevenson raped her, bound her with duct tape, broke her spine and stabbed* her 14 times.

In the meantime, human tofu slice Anthony Brown has a press release re. his domestic violence plan, which involves a network of screening centers* and changing the standard of proof for victims to get a restraining order, and somethingsomething about cell phones. For his part, Doug Gansler, the guy who sent his son to a $33k school that's the source of the local saying "never drink from a cup from a Landon boy" has fired back with some blahblah about cheap political points. And our Bro-torney General may be onto something: as governor Brown won't be in any kind of position to change legal burdens of proof, and "setting up centers" = throwing money at the problem, while training health care providers and officers to assess domestic violence risk would be a lot simpler, cheaper and is backed by evidence that it's effective. Anyway, there's also a lady and some kind of Republicans in the governors' race, but they were apparently too busy blow-drying hair/reading from the Necronomicon to talk to Mike Dresser.

Rodney "Noah" Hubert of Pikesville was indicted for pimping a 16-year-old 

As one might expect, the family of Anthony Anderson has filed a lawsuit* against the BPD for an undisclosed amount. Anderson died of internal bleeding while being arrested in September of 2012.

Your exes will be so sad: a bill coming up next year could make it a felony to post explicit pictures of someone without their consent.

TIL Molly and ecstasy are not the same thing. Wait, or are they? Quit confusing me and just tell me what to freak out about, Internet!

SRB's still claiming no knowledge of the dirty "Smart Meters" bidding process.

There was a hearing yesterday on the troubled Detention Center; officials say cell phone blocking technology is going to fix stuff, because without cell phones there is no other way for human beings to communicate with one another.

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