Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Braxton Family Values

Two murders yesterday*: one in the 3600 block of Benson Avenue, one in the 3000 block of Tivoly Avenue. FBHIII teaches a class at Stevenson University, maybe Batts should take it.

What? Remember the guy who was hit by a car fleeing gunfire Sunday on Ashland Avenue? Well, they found a bullet in his head after all.*
Des'Marie Braxton

Former aspiring male model Sharmell Gregory Thomas, 23, got 26 years in prison for killing his girlfriend's 14-month-old daughter, Des'Marie Braxton, who had reportedly been left with Thomas for several days; at the time of Braxton's death Thomas was wanted on charges of assaulting her mother. He must have gotten out on bail while awaiting murder charges, because he was the subject of a peace order in July of last year, charged with assault in September and was sued for child custody by a woman in June.

Thirty years for Todd Marrow, who stabbed one Orville Chamblee to death over a football wager.

A feel-good story turns into a feel-rage story when a guy whose bikes were stolen tracks down one of his bikes, only to have the officers in the Eastern District (shown right) allegedly let the thief go with no charges. Why are the citizens of the southeast victimized over and over and over again? Gee whiz!

"The state's recidivism rate — the percentage of inmates who are returned to prison or put on probation for new crimes within three years of release — has plunged from more than 51.4 percent in 2000 to about 40.5 percent* nearly a decade later, data released Monday show."

New gun law now in effect, y'all. Gun clubs, firearms dealers and three unnamed gun owners and some guy named Shawn J. Tardy are suing, of course, and there'll be a hearing in federal district court to address the plaintiffs' request to halt enforcement of the law until their appeal is heard. Related: New York Times study finds that because of reporting idiosyncrasies, accidental shootings are about twice as common as official numbers show.

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