Thursday, October 17, 2013

Intent matters

Jessica Anderson: Jury has found officer William S. Kern not guilty of 2nd degree assault, but guilty of reckless endangerment. ... Related or not, the BPD may be fantastic when it comes to screening recruits for mental health issues, but when a working officer goes batshit crazy, how does the department deal with it?

Shawn Dewayne Dean, 40, was shot to death by police last night after allegedly dragging an officer with his car for two blocks. Annoyance: WBAL using the phrase, "the officer was forced to fire his service weapon." Unless Dean was wrestling with him while driving and made the officer put the gun to his head, he was not forced. Shooting Dean in the head might have been the best of a handful of shiteous options, but that is not the same thing as literal force. Unless it was.

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