Monday, October 7, 2013

Really out to get you

Spooky comment on the blog this morning--
Today's date of this posting is (October 7, 2013)... As I was driving down Interstate 95-S just past the 295 Baltimore/Washington Pkwy. at 12:45 a.m. this past mid April when I suddenly saw a large drone (about the size of a helicopter)hovering just off of the northbound side of 95-N with red lights flashing on and off underneath it, when all of a sudden, bright white lights touched down in front of my car, then on top of my car and then circled onto the northbound side on top of another car. That was probably the spookiest thing I've ever seen. I feel like we are now living in a twilight zone dictatorship called Obamba-land and no longer the good ole U.S.A. land of the free! We are living in scary times!!!
Yes they are, but spying is a bipartisan effort! And speaking of the federales, the New York Times has uncovered that the government shutdown has been planned for months, and guess which evil duo is behind it? That would be the Koch Brothers, founders of the Tea Party, who are no doubt pleased as punch that the government shutdown means less nosy gubmint poking into their activities, activities such as illegal sales to Iran, fracking and drilling for oil in national parks (which continue in spite of the "shutdown"). The shutdown is win-win for them, and we can expect it to go on for a long time.

The FBI couldn't figure out how to seize the Bitcoins of the founder of the Silk Road, so they seized users' funds instead. Fun fact: Silk Road operated on a TOR network, TOR being an acronym for "The Onion Router," so-called because of its encryption layers. The network was a creation of the U.S. government, which wanted to offer anonymity to users in repressive regimes. The FBI likely took down Ross "Dread Pirate Roberts" Ulbricht by using a backdoor in Firefox to insert malware that identified specific networking devices.

And court records were unsealed that reveal why Ladar Levison shut down Lavabit, the e-mail service provider to Edward Snowden and about 400,000 other people: the Feds demanded that Levison turn over SSL keys that would give them access to every single user's metadata and fined him $5,000 a day when he refused.

Don't think extralegal government activities are something you should worry about? Read this plz, and mull over the fact that Maryland State Police spied on Peace protestors-- not just here or there, but monitored their activities for more than a year.


  1. I'm doing a project with a drone right now, so I am learning all about the rules. It's the wild west out there with the drones. Since the government doesn't know much about them. In 2013 anyone can own and operate a drone and they aren't that expensive to build. Drones can fly pretty much wherever they wish right now as long as they stay below 400 feet. However, in 2014, the state plans to implement some drone laws so hopefully the drones will be a little more regulated. In the meantime, drone owners are having lots-o-fun scaring the beejesus out of people, and I'm going to be one of them.

  2. You're going to have your own drone? Fun! .. I wonder if the drones have anything to do with the blimps that have been hovering overhead and "mapping."

  3. The drone project I am working on will be doing some mapping and getting some great aerial imagery. Unlike basic satellite imagery overhead, the drone will be taking a birds-eye video of the city which totally different from Google street maps and satellite view. The drone isn't mine, it belongs to a private individual who built it himself.

    Look at the Navy blimp with the Army contract, it too is flying below the 500 foot limit. But the blimp is larger and can accommodate more equipment and also people. As far as I'm concerned, that Navy blimp was up to no good. It was clearly monitoring and photographing city residents and residences. I can't believe nobody made a fuss.

  4. Soon drones will have personalities.
    George Drone, Fred Drone and Kevin

    Officer Friendly will be on tour
    with Fred Drone at an elementary
    school near you.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
