Monday, October 21, 2013

The dead, the drunk and the bald

Dammit, Baltimore! Things were going so well. But four homicides this weekend,* bringing the toll to 185. Thomas Carter, 22, and also two women, one stabbed in the stomach and one shot to death in a moving PT Cruiser in Shipley Hill, and a man shot to death in the 1800 block of West Lafayette.
Marvin Hutton

Marvin Hutton was arrested for the murder of Ronn Williams on September 24.

Time for rehab, Joshua Osterholt. Driving drunk with pot and kids in the car,* tsk! Though why this is a feature story is a bit puzzling, surely drunk drivers transporting at least one of those kinds of cargo are pulled over at least once a day. But have some token shame. Shame!

Bon mots du jour: "church members clean up human feces from the back alley almost daily."

While we await the naming of public enemy #5, the City Paper has helpfully organized enemies 1-4 into a chart.

David B. Simon
Media blabber: word on the street is last week there was a major shakeup at the Daily Record, with editor David B. Simon (no, not that David Simon) delivering stinging rebukes at a editorial meeting and quitting after a mere 10 months of working there, followed by the walkout of the two-person art department, leaving long-suffering managing editor Barbara Grizincic to manage the mess. To maintain the paper's quota of bald dudes, former Sun and Patch reporter Bryan P. Sears has now joined the turbulent tabloid as a government reporter.


  1. The two graphic designers left the previous Friday to David, so now there's just the Art Director left and she's only been there two months.

  2. Maybe if The Daily Record had a publisher that could count as human none of this would have happened.

  3. Maybe if the publisher treated her employees professionally and actually kmow how to run a newspaper company, there wouldn't be so many people quitting.

  4. The daily record comes up with some ridiculous events just to sell. It's a joke.

  5. The daily record in and of itself is a joke, they try to sell tgemselves as a legitimate newspaper but they could care less about the community or the organization they work for. Dolan Media needs to look into everything that is The Daily Record and reasses their commitment to that joke of a newspaper.

  6. Could you be more specific as to what the publisher could do better?
    Let's be frank here, it's a corporation, and as such their job is to make money for shareholders, not to care about the community or concern themselves with their employees' hearts or souls. They make their $ by selling legal notices and ads. BUT with the Tribune Co having its own myriad issues, the verbiage they put next to their ads and notices are sometimes the *only* reporting on torts that there is in town, and often they are the only paper putting reporters in the courthouse covering civil cases at all. And civil cases are important. And like every other publication they're running on the skinniest of margins.
    So as a city it behooves us to aspire to their survival. So if you could fix things, what would you have them do? What would this human publisher do?
