Friday, January 10, 2014

Landscape on the Shores of the Patapsco

Beleaguered neighbors around 21st and N. Charles streets were tormented from about 2:15 a.m. on this morning by a barricade situation at the Family Tree, a child-abuse-prevention nonprofit that a suspect broke in to. Neighbors report that police were beseeching a guy named Robert to come out of the office for hours. Justin George Tweeted at 10:55 a.m. that the situation ended when the gunman died of a self-inflicted wound. George and Wells report that the man may be implicated in other crimes nearby,* and WBAL reports that a second victim was found inside.

The 10th homicide in 9 days was in the southwest,* at the Latino Deli and American Grocery on Christian and S. Smallwood, across the street from Samuel Morse Elementary. A man and a woman were shot, the man has died. Also that Karl Merron Ferron photo is giving me an acid flashback.

What to think about this press release? "Despite Recanted Testimony of Single Eyewitness, Langley Convicted for Shooting in the Northeast"

Ew, farther afield, 4th graders were flashed peen in Hanover, and a day care worker arrested for assaulting a 3-year-old in HarfCo. And in HoCo one Jeremy Ng was arrested three times in two days on charges involving forcibly groping women. The last victim had an off-duty-officer friend nearby.

Mom Gwendolyn McNeil, 48, (literally) stabbed her daughter in the back in Aberdeen.

Alpha Diagnostics of Owings Mills has been charged with defrauding Medicaid out of $3.3 million,* and falsely claiming to have had a doctor review x-rays.

In happier news, Renoir's 1879 napkin painting "Paysage Bords de Seine" is going back to the BMA,* though it'll sit in an FBI warehouse until Martha Fuqua exhausts her appeals. Fuqua claimed to have bought the Renoir at a flea market, a "colorful" tale that quickly unraveled when witnesses (including her own brother) called her story into question.

And Obama is expected to announce today that Maryland is going to be an expiriment in health care regulation, setting a cap on hospital spending and prices. This will make Maryland either a "model" or a "cautionary tale." Hrm.


  1. I wonder if Jeremy goes "Ng!!!" when he pleasures himself?

  2. Hahaha best comment ever
