Friday, January 24, 2014

Men Behaving Badly

The man shot to death in the alley on Ilchester near Guilford Ave. was ID'd as Tavon Antonio Young-- nephew of City Council President Jack Young.
Mustafa Eraibi

The alleged brick-wielding attacker of Jon Fogg was arrested-- one Mustafa Eraibi, and Batts held a press conference to announce it. Fenton says he's been arrested for similar crimes before, with cases dropped/nol pross'd by prosecutors; he's on his way to the "cthouse" to find out. According to Eraibi's Facebook profile he's from Iraq, belongs to a FB group called ISLAM = PEACE, went to Patterson High, works at ESPN and follows the Big Bootie Freaks feed. Favorite books include the Twilight series and In Cold Blood.

There were three rapes reported in three weeks in the Southwest, and police think it's the same guy, a fair-skinned black man who speaks with a Jamaican accent.

There are bad childhoods, and then there's the victim of 49-year-old Michael Griffin, a foster child who was raped repeatedly and forced to have multiple abortions. Griffin was sentenced to 100 years.

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