Monday, March 31, 2014

The Bold and the Stupidful

Sketchy rapist
.. this is the fat rapist in the Northeast with Jocelyn Wildenstein lips who has broken into (at least) two women's homes* and assaulted them (left). Is it too judgy of me, or is it okay to say that the sketches coming out of the police department in the past year or so have just not been very good?

Another DUI* for 98 Rock DJ Stephen "Stash" Smith.

"Federal fake-pot crackdown continues"

Damn nearly killed 'er!
Blargh, Janay Palmer, the woman who was cold-clocked by Ray Rice in an Atlantic City elevator, married him on Friday. In case you were wondering, NJ's marital-privilege law doesn't apply to domestic abuse and wouldn't apply to an incident that happened before they were married. And the incident was caught on video anyway. So I guess she did it for love. Or money. Or stupid. Barf. Gag.

Senator Jamie Raskin and Delegate Sandy Rosenburg have introduced measures to require a warrant for drone tracking but nobody's going for it.

Passage of trans-rights bill has reportedly riled the crazies. But the bathrooms! Won't someone please think of the bathrooms?! Come quickly Lord Jesus!!  /s

Larence Godfrey
Dayum, in AAC an inmate scaled razor wire.* He put a blanket over it, but still, that's pretty hardcore there Larence.


  1. The BPD may be using a computer sketch system and not a living, breathing sketch artist, which is almost always better. Machines are cheaper than people, but not always better. Maybe the BPD needs more artists in the ranks.

  2. The crappy BPD sketch artist is Michael Streed. He was a police officer for 33 years but has not one minute of actual art training. The BPD doesn't see the benefit of hiring somebody with the skills for the job when it can heap more money at a police officer who already has a hefty pension check coming his way. Might was well keep all the goodies in the police family than hire somebody qualified out of an art school.
