Friday, May 30, 2014

Kids, Puppies and Old People

Ever have one of those days where you just hate Baltimore and everyone in it? (Except for you, of course, dear reader). The city has been a horror show this week, with children, the elderly and taxpayers as the primary victims. Plus a puppy.

Latoya Skipwith
One Lucresha Mints ran over three people-- two-year-old Joshua Carter and Latoya Skipwith, 25, and 7-year-old Nevaeh Green-- on purpose, killing Carter and Skipwith.* Skipwith's boyfriend told WMAR that the three of them had been involved in a love triangle but "that was in the past." Three weeks before, Mints had been charged with beating a 12-year-old girl (!!), leaving her face looking like this
Update, Mints, who is a nursing assistant with two kids, is being held without bail.* Ps., according to the JIS, someone took out a Peace Order against her less than three weeks ago, probably related to the assault on the 12-year-old. Someone also attempted to take out a Peace Order against her in 2011 but was denied due to insufficient evidence. She's also been the complaintant in a few cases, including accusing one of her kids' dads of assault, accusing some lady of theft, assault and misuse of the telephone.

Shanizya Taft
Meanwhile, police are still looking for the man who shot and killed 15 or 16-year-old Oscar Torres and killed 12-year-old Shanizya Taft as he tried to flee from police. Police have not released a name or description of the suspect but are combing the car for clues.*

A 94-year-old woman and an 81-year-old man were robbed and pistol-whipped in the NE.

An Essex man got 60 years for stabbing his girlfriend, Janet Palasik, to death.

Poor Govans elementary was burgled three times in one week.*

Jackasses stole 40 bikes from the Druid Hill bike share program and kicked a worker.*

LOL to this sitting judges ad. Hullo, none of the judges were judges before they were judges, being elected or appointed is how judges are made. Alfred Nance is who needs a skipping: he's been the subject of judicial investigations three times because of his "demeaning" treatment of female jurors,* ("During one jury selection, court transcripts show, he told a single woman "to stand up and let us see [you]. ... There may be a single guy out there.") had a woman handcuffed for saying "I love you," and unconstitutionally issued a gag order to Van Smith because he was a potential juror.

The mayor whooped it up in Vegas at a "legendary" party for 1,600 paid for by real estate developers and featuring showgirls plus a bucket of crabs marched in to the tweetelings of a fife and drum corps. In other news of the mayor spending other people's money, she's told city residents to buy homeowner's insurance* from a company the city has made a deal with in case the city's contractors can't lay the pipe without fucking shit up all to hell. Yet "City officials declined to provide a legal basis for why they believe homeowners could be stuck with bills if pipes break during a contractor's work." Somehow I think HomeServe is going to get the short end of this deal.

Departing city booze czar recounts the Liquor Board's most "outrageous" moments and potted-plant humping is involved. Meanwhile the board appears to be making up its own rules which (surprise!) make it harder for residents to complain about nuisance properties.

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