Monday, May 21, 2007

May 21

On Friday the Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Nicholas Brunson, 20, of the 2600 block of W. Cold Spring Lane on charges of first-degree murder, deadly weapon and first-degree arson. Court documents allege on April 12, 2007 Nicholas Brunson was identified as the suspect in the murder and arson incident. The body of an unknown male, later identified as 16-year-old Brent Flanagan, was found beaten, stabbed and body partially dismembered in a house fire in the 2600 block of W. Cold Spring Lane. It is alleged the two had an altercation during the morning hours that later escalated to the incident. It is also alleged both Flanagan and Brunson are "Bloods" gang members.

A 16-year-old girl is being sought for stabbing another girl in the gut on E. Chase Street, a dognapping, a carjacking and an attempted murder arrest in the Blotter.

Alvin Parson died nine days after he was run down by a van driven by two men with whom he was arguing.

The end of an era: beaten, stabbed socialist A. Robert Kaufman is moving out of Walbrook to a condo complex with a pool.

Examiner: "High police overtime doesn't surprise O'Malley"
Meanwhile "brutal" Detective Albert "Mad Dog" Marcus claimed incredible 3,695 overtime hours last year, the equivalent of working 18-22 hours a day.
Says Hamm, "Publishing the names and salaries of every member of the Baltimore Police Department — as The Examiner did two days ago — is perhaps the most irresponsible, ill-informed and mean-spirited act that I have ever known a news organization to commit," and accuses the paper of compromising "dozens of undercover officers."

AAC kids steal car, crash it into house.

Three AAC twentysomethings, Thomas Sparacino, Randy Garner and Brittney Pheobus, were arrested for a drive-by shooting in Friendship (the intended victim wasn't hurt). When police went to arrest the trio they also found firearms, including an assault rifle, and child pornography.

Marilyn St. Louis Walkes apparently thought "taking care of a developmentally disabled woman" meant stealing her money.

Baltimore County thieves are breaking into garages and stealing dirt bikes.

Rev. Jamal-Harrison Bryant wants murderers and gang members to stop sinning.

Three people were shot outside a community center in Frederick County.

Eazy-E Op-Ed: "no one [in city government] understands the real needs of each [city] department. It allows lazy planning and makes it easy to hide waste and fraud."

worst. visual. ever.An autopsy will be performed on a Chesapeake Bay floater found by a boater, and JZ illustrates the story with a visual of ... the shadow of a giant gingerbread man looming over a mountain, of course!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

May 20

Two incidents or one? Either way Wednesday Last week was extra-bad at Jessup: a basketball-court shanking and a prisoner fight that injured six correctional officers.

Word: Bernard Kerik, former NYC commissioner, on the Curran Baltimore curfew proposal: "I really don't know what happened between the time that Eddie Norris was commissioner and what's happening today ... take it back to crime-fighting mechanisms and let [police] do their job."

NYker: in spite of what's on CSI, hair and fiber analysis is so inaccurate as to be worse-than-useless.

Your man Rodericks: "O'Malley's veto a big setback to drug reform"

Atlanta lawyer Manny Arora defended Ray Ray, able to communicate on athlete's level, "whatever it is."
And congrats to all the new law school grads-- now get to work!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

May 19

Apparently, nobody told some bad people from "Baltimore B" that they're not supposed to commit crimes against good people from "Baltimore A."

Three teenage boys robbed a 60-year-old man of $15.50.

Police were called to the old Relax Inn (now the Red Carpet Inn) on Reisterstown Rd. 120 times in 2005 and about 100 times in 2006.

Somebody stole two guns from a member of the Frederick SWAT team.

Friday, May 18, 2007


Maurice A. Johnson, 29, was shot to death in Randallstown.

Lawyers for the killer of correctional officer Jeffery A. Wroten plan to argue that the death penalty isn't legal because of MD's effed-up execution instructions.

What the?! Two Morgan State University students persuaded a friend to shoot them with a .38 "because they hoped to avoid pledging a fraternity this summer," even though they didn't have the GPA to pledge anyway. Huh? Wha? And it gets weirder: they're from out of state and "wanted to stay in Baltimore for the summer." (They must be from Camden!)

More than 12 years for PGC coke dealer Richard D. Briscoe, and RJR's got plenty of time for his gun-toting crack-dealing pals as well.

two pervsCounty police are ISO two homeless sex offenders, Ronald Ellison, 28, and Thomas Gauthier, 27.
If you're wondering what the degrees of sex offense are, here's a handy chart.

More school threats: this time a letter threatening to harm students was sent to C. Milton Wright High School in Harford County.

AAC: Greg Karanzalis, an assistant coach for the Broadneck High School lacrosse team, was caught on tape buying alcohol for several students who got so soused after school that they needed to be hospitalized.

White-Collar Corner
Perps 12 and 13, Stephen Weissenberger of Towson and Ashita Patel of Columbia, were indicted on theft and bribery charges for defrauding our school system.

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition has filed a lawsuit against NovaStar Mortgage, accusing them of discrimination for refusing to offer mortgages on rowhouses in downtown Baltimore (among other places).

Mark Kaiser of U.S. Foodservice got seven federal years for an $800-million accounting fraud.

Patrick McDevitt of Timonium is headed to the can for 2 1/2 years after submitting false expense claims to his employer. He bought at least a dozen Rolex watches (and no doubt other tacky crap), but the jig was up after he commited eBay fraud.

Ellicott City art-gallery owner Thomas Hugh Akins, 52, pled guilty to wire fraud for an art-based investment scheme that screwed some more-money-than-brains "affluent acquaintances" out of $1.2 million.

May 18

El Janis: "Hamm admits to police overtime abuse"

Robert Perlie, 16, was ID'd as the victim who died at 2:36 yesterday morning of a gunshot wound to the head on the 200 block of N. Dallas Court.

Carroll Hugh Bell, 51, of Philadelphia, was arrested Wednesday by Philadelphia police and charged with the 1990 rape and murder of Beverly Dixon.
Puzzling sentence o the day: "A man was reported in good condition at the Maryland Shock Trauma Center after he was shot in the face"
A 19-year-old was shot in the arm on E. 27th street
and what is the deal with gunmen yelling "kick it out"?

"A 28-year-old man was seriously wounded in a shooting early this morning near the corner of Greenmount Avenue and East 29th Street, Baltimore police said."

More on the Jemini Jones conviction.

The gov. vetoed two crime-related bills Wednesday: the drug-dealer parole thing and also one that would let the police sell guns back to manufacturers.

PGC women are advised to gird their loins "after two recent sexual assaults and an armed robbery occurred within days and a few miles of each other."

Thursday, May 17, 2007


From the SA's office:
  • A Baltimore City jury convicted Ronald Sparkman, 21, of the 1500 block of E. Madison St., of three counts of first-degree murder and use of a handgun in the commission of a crime of violence today following two days of testimony and more than four hours of deliberations. Sparkman faces a maximum possible prison term of life plus 20 years in prison when sentenced by Judge M. Brooke Murdock July 3, 2007. Details:
    On January 14, 2005 at approximately 10PM officers were called to the 1600 block of E. Madison St. for a serious shooting. The victim, Ralph “West” Pritchett, was found lying face down in the street. He died at Johns Hopkins Hospital which was a few blocks away. The investigation revealed that Ronald Sparkman shot the victim five times in the back over a drug dispute. The trial lasted two days and the jury deliberated approximately 4 hours before reaching its guilty verdict. Sparkman remains held without bail at the Baltimore City Detention Center. Assistant State's Attorney Brian M. Fish prosecuted the case.

  • In a hearing today Judge John Carroll Byrnes found Jemini Jones, 29, of the 4700 block of Ivanhoe Avenue, guilty of wear/carry/transport a handgun in a vehicle and fleeing and eluding police after a statement of facts was placed on the record by the prosecutor. Judge Byrnes sentenced Jones to a three year suspended prison term and three years probation for the handgun count and a concurrent one year suspended prison term, three years probation and a $1,000 fine for the fleeing and eluding count. Details:
    On October 1, 2006 Jones ran a red light at the intersection of East 33rd St. and Frisby St. Police attempted to stop the vehicle Jones was driving. The vehicle did not stop. Police followed the vehicle at a high rate of speed and it eventually stopped in an alley off the 800 block of East 34th St. Police recovered a handgun from the vehicle. Jones' right to carry a handgun had been suspended. Assistant State's Attorney Doug Ludwig, Chief of the Firearms Investigation Violence Enforcement (FIVE) Division, prosecuted this case.
  • A Baltimore City jury convicted Gregory Kearney, 24, of the 2200 block of Homewood Avenue, May 14, 2007 of possession of a regulated firearm after a disqualifying conviction and handgun on person. Judge Joseph H.H. Kaplan sentenced Kearney to five years without parole for the first count and a concurrent three year prison term for the second count. The facts:
    On August 8, 2006 police officers were on patrol in the area of the 1700 block of Aisquith Street when they observed Gregory Kearney in the area. The police officers know the area to be one of high drug activity. People in the area alerted others to police presence including Gregory Kearney. Kearney started walking out of the area and was observed holding a small handgun by the police. Gregory Kearney then threw the handgun and started to run. Police officers recovered a .32 caliber revolver and arrested him. Assistant State's Attorney David M. Grzechowiak of the Firearms Investigation Violence Enforcement (FIVE) Division prosecuted this case.

May 17

Another murder early this morning in the Dunbar-Broadway neighborhood in East Baltimore, and last night's murder victim was ID'd as Earl Sonny Cornish III.

Wow, a teeny fleck of hope ... City Council Vice President Robert W. Curran is trying to stop the killing with a bill that calls for "heightened police enforcement" in "declared emergency areas," a proposal based on Philadelphia's successful plan.
The mayor's response was "lukewarm."

SA's office: Police Officer Jemini Jones is being qualified to plea (as in, agreeing to certain facts presented to the Court by the State, asserting that his plea is both knowing and voluntary and that he knows his rights, right to trial, right to confront etc.) on the handgun violation indictment.

In Baltimore County, three people were shot outside of Coco's Bar and Grill early this morning, and one man was shot in the first block of Dundalk Ave. In recent city shootings, a man was shot on Wednesday morning while cutting through the Clifton Park golf course, and a 43-year-old man was shot in the Southeastern "for no apparent reason."

Two homicide ID's in the Blotter, one erroneous (second link above): 30-year-old Nathaniel Hicks was killed on Monday morning in the 2500 block of Garrett Ave., and 19-year-old Deandre Salmond (not "Almond") was fatally shot in the head in the 500 block of S. Smallwood St. on Tuesday night.

Howard High School counselor Alan Silberman was arrested and charged after HoCo police found crack in his car.

The Wachovia Bank on Merritt Ave. in Dundalk was robbed by a man who stuck his hand in his shirt. Police are seeking a mustachioed white man with a penchant for colorful stripes.

The house where Antown Arthur, Nathan Gulliver, and Steven Matthews were murdered in 2005 caught on fire on Tuesday.

Gross incompetence at the Maryland Division of Corrections led to alleged murderer James Burton's release and subsequent re-arrest on "escape" charges.

It took less than four hours for a BaltCo jury to sentence Gaumer to life in prison.

The death of Rey Rivera remains a mystery.

A vandal in Parkville seems to think that racism = peace.

Crime tip of the day: If you get hit with paying a customer $17,000 that you stole from him, don't try to get the money by threatening your local bank manager.

Crime tip of the day, #2: If you're going to flee the scene of an accident, make sure your license plate number isn't embedded in the filth of the car that you hit.

The demolition of 30 apartment buildings in Hillbilly Heights began this morning.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


A not-yet-ID'd man was shot to death on York Road and Chateau Avenue.

Deander Salmond, 19, died after being shot in the Southwestern Tuesday night.

The jury has sentenced John Gaumer to life in prison.

Inventor Paul Biermann at Hopkins' Applied Physics Laboratory in HoCo is trying to invent shank-proof prison toiletries.

(Alleged) perv of the day: Patrick McIntyre, a seventh-grade science teacher at Immaculate Conception School, removed from his job following allegations that he sexually abused a male student in the late 1970s.

Media Corner:
Staffers rallied on Calvert Street today to "Save our Sun!"
Quoted copy editor: "We’re working hard to bring readers the best news we can ... But the more they drain our staff of talent, the less of a good job we’ll be able to do.”
The Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild today began attempts to negotiate a new contract with management, and has also hired a PR firm to "represent its viewpoint to the media."

Sixty Years (Again) for Alleged Child-Killer Erik Stoddard

From the SA's office (edited for style):

Today Judge Allen L. Schwait sentenced Erik Stoddard, 26, of the 2500 block of Moore Avenue, to 60 years in prison; 30 years for second degree murder and 30 years for child abuse resulting in death with the terms to run consecutively. Judge Schwait sentenced Stoddard after denying a defense motion for a new trial for the March 9, 2007 second-degree murder and child abuse resulting in death conviction.

A Baltimore City jury convicted Stoddard March 13, 2003 of second-degree murder and child abuse resulting in death for the death of Calen Faith Dirubbo, age three, and Stoddard began serving a 60-year prison term. On December 8, 2005 the Maryland Court of Appeals vacated Stoddard's conviction, citing evidentiary issues regarding hearsay testimony. The mother of an 18-month-old child who witnessed the murder testified how the surviving child now acts and that the child asked, "Is Erik going to get me?" These statements were not used by prosecutors in the second trial.

On June 15, 2002 Dirubbo was pronounced dead at her home, where she lived with her mother and Stoddard. Dirubbo died as a result of multiple beatings over a period of at least a month; the fatal blow occurred June 15, 2002 and severed her bowel. The State proved through detailed medical evidence that Stoddard was the only person who had custody of Dirubbo when the fatal blow occurred.

Defense counsel argued the trial court erred by not asking a requested voir dire question as to whether any member of the jury panel was prejudiced against the defendant based on his race. The defendant, all State's witnesses, all lawyers in the case and the judge were white. The jury consisted of both whites and African-Americans.

After lengthy oral argument, during which the defendant was briefly removed from the courtroom due to his inappropriate behavior, Judge Schwait denied the motion and proceed to sentencing.

The maternal grandmother and aunt of victim Calen Dirubbo gave victim impact statements. The grandmother described to Judge Schwait
"the pain and anguish of ...knowing Calen suffered and died alone...her right to life brutally taken from her... robbing the family of watching her grow....creating a severe strain on family." She spoke of the defendant's violent behavior as "doling out destruction and pain...assaulting numerous women and finally murdering my three-year old granddaughter," and said Erik “has a human compassion, conscience or remorse.”
The maternal aunt of Calen stated,
"the pain and grief is immeasurable...daily I struggle with the pain and destruction left behind.... I am haunted by the 'wonders'...I wonder what she would look like now...wonder what kind of child would she be today?"
A letter submitted to the Judge by the brother of Calen stated
"I remember Erik slamming us against the wall...when he gave us a bath dunking us under the water....I wish Erik would be in jail forever."
While rendering his sentence, Judge Schwait stated, in part, that "he wished he could give the defendant more time." Stoddard concluded his remarks by expressing the belief that his convictions would be overturned (again), and said to the family of the victim "see you in a couple years."

A Baltimore City jury convicted Stoddard March 9, 2007 of second degree murder, involuntary manslaughter, second degree assault and first and second degree child abuse resulting in death. Prosecutors proceeded with a new trial after the Court of Appeals vacated Stoddard's 2003 conviction.

May 16

In the Blotter: a homeless woman was shot on S. Hilton Street.

Zachary James, one of the city's "youngest and most brazen murder suspects," pled guilty and will serve 60 years, 10 without the possibility of parole, for the murders of 34-year-old Richard Smith and 32-year-old Michael Freeman.

Gaumer begged for his life and apologized to Josie Brown's family.
Here's a link posted a long time back about the case on Huff's Crime Blog, which includes comments from more than one woman he dated after he murdered Josie Brown.

Pretrail motions in the Jemini Jones gun-possession case began this morning before Judge John Carroll Byrnes.

Terrell Heath, 31, was killed by a police taser, the "second in [the] city in a month related to stun guns."

Ditkoff: "For the second week in a row Baltimore City has more homicides than days. This is the fourth week this year with eight or more homicides." Todd Little, Antwoine Hawkins, Gerald Wilson, William Curtis, Michael Davis, Thomas Mouzon Jr., and the murder heard by our reader on 25th street was ID'd as Deandre Hatcher, age 17. And updates!

Jezum crow! Ms. Ditkoff lightly grills the city council president on the details of the vaxingly vague noise bill and gets beyond-idiotic answers. Good gravy, if you had a private-sector job and tried to pass answers like this over on your bosses .... ("How significant a problem is noise in the city?" "I don't know the exact number..." "Who would make the decision that someone is being too loud?" "We're still working that out.") If you voted for her ever, please kick yourself in the nuts right now.

And more CP: Tenant "Willing to Fight a Million-Dollar Libel Suit For His Right to Call His Landlord a Crook"

cop muralDog-walker Katie Wainwright reports that eight cops from the Southern spent a half-hour ticketing owners of unleashed dogs in in Riverside Park.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Cleared cop Jemini Jones with five cronies in two not-very-unmarked cars clogging the parking lot at Joe's Bike Shop on Falls Road around 5 p.m. Inside Jemini checked out a $1700 model but left without a purchase, followed by a car (#1903) which, rather than waiting to turn out of the shop, swicthed on the siren and the lights to turn South, then swerved across the double-yellow lines on the Falls Road blind hill.

May 15

What the?! Says the Examiner, the city police "logged more than 1.5 million hours of overtime in 2006, spending nearly $37 million in the process, after budgeting $7 million."
Councilman Ken Harris: "Based on the crime statistics, I do not think the return matched the investment."

The victim found shot to death May 2 [#98] in a vacant house in the 2200 block of Barclay St. was ID'd as 18-year-old Derius Harmon, 18, of Randallstown.

John Gaumer's family begged for his life yesterday.

Murder, attempted murder and robbery arrests and stolen Red Bull in the Dick Irwin special.

Homicide detectives are catching flak for playing golf.

New BS PR poll: Baltimore's in 15th place for road rage. (Or 15th in answering BS poll questions from strangers on the phone.)

Dept. of "Why Bother?": A week after a reader passed the story along, WBAL-tv reports that Ridgely's Delight resident Rekha Thomas was shot through her front door during an attempted home invasion.

The UMMC wudhu-lawsuit story just won't go away. Now Dr. Mohammed Hussain has filed criminal charges against the security guard who "allegedly manhandled and humiliated him before his scheduled surgery."

In the Post's MD briefing: two PGC men, Sean A. Simpson, 24, of Suitland, and Norberto Quinones, 24, of Upper Marlboro were sentenced to (federal) life in prison. Simpson was convicted of two carjackings, a murder and a nonfatal shooting; Quinones of possession with intent to distribute cocaine base and possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime.

Univision theorizes that missing mom Deysi M. Benitez left Frederick with a friend.

The Gov. is considering an increase in the state's gasoline tax. Political genius, this guy.

Monday, May 14, 2007


Dispatches from the East Side....

... tales of sweet dreams and knocked-off brains above, and below, they've got "Cheryl," "Betsy" and "Ready."

Closing arguments are set for tomorrow in the trial of airman Calvin Hill, accused of killing servicewoman Ashley Turner of Frederick, MD in Iceland.

What is the deal with the I-270? Now police are interviewing witnesses after Montgomery County Police Officer Alanna Ward and her son were sent to the hospital as the result of a road rage incident. This comes less than a month after a couple was killed after being menaced by a pickup truck on the same highway to hell.

Two drug-sniffing dogs are missing from a kennel in East Baltimore; they were last seen humping legs for spare change behind the Falls Road Rite Aid.

Letter to the Editor

In which reader "Sherry" tries to be helpful, gets blowoff:
... regarding your post: from May 10: "A man was shot to death this morning in the 300 block of 23 1/2 Street in Barclay"... well, I heard these gunshots - I live on the 300 block of 25th. A light sleeper, I was jolted by the shots that sounded just as if they were outside of my window. I froze - shocked a bit...I've heard shots in the distance before, but none so close. Anyhow, what seemed like only seconds later, I heard a car ignition start and a car take off. This I am pretty sure was right on 25th. It was 4:07 am by my clock and I jumped out of bed to see if anyone was laying on the ground. I saw nothing. Sitting and not sure what to do...I then heard the sirens - cops, ambulance - the normal. Someone else had called - and after tossing and turning I finally fell asleeps again.

Thursday evening I was reading the Sun and that blurb you linked to on the Sun - and said Ah-ha!! - plus, it kept bothering me and I realized - hey - there's a police camera half way up the block...I'll call 311 for non emergency police issues...I made the call...explaining what I heard - disclaiming it might have been a coincidence, but maybe someone should check the camera since I doubt anyone else might have reported that or whatever -in any case, I got the big 311 blowoff. I may as well have been talking to a recording. The response seemed like a scripted: "M'am, I'm sure the police have investigators on the case and are going door to door." And that was it! Done...I was rather irritated. No one had come to my door.

The next day...I still couldn't shake my irritation. I called the actual police precinct - who referred me to homicide. Called them - and got a whole different reception for my tip. They were actually appreciative and actually asked me the location of the camera and it happens to be just about across from that alley. Anyhow, whether they followup is another story...but I just
wanted to vent. What a mess this system is...not that you didn't already know that. This small and limited experience I had really brought that home for me.
"Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) said yesterday that he will probably veto a bill that would make twice-convicted drug dealers eligible for parole, calling drug dealing a 'violent crime' that should be severely punished."

Good guideline for would-be gamblers: "Anyone that runs a game 3 nights a week, promotes it publicly, and has topless dealers is asking to be busted."

Fredneck Chad Abshire harassed police dog, bit cop.

Court of Appeals: Funky monkeys Oogie, Angel, Coco, Squeaky and Zoey can stay in HoCo.

May 14

An unidentified man was shot and killed in the 2500 block of Garrett Ave. in East Baltimore Midway early this morning, the second murder in that neighborhood within 48 hours. The same article reports that Gerald Lamont Wilson was identified as the man who was killed on N. Chester St. on Friday night, and the death of Todd Little has been officially added to the year's murder count.

Five children and two adults were injured in a PG County drive-by on Saturday afternoon. An abandoned car and high-powered rifle that police believe were used in the attack have been found.

A man was asked the time and robbed at knifepoint in the Western.

Convicted murderer Charles Eugene Burns is now facing a trial for assaulting six Harford County prostitutes.

Justin Hannah was indicted for his role in a drive-by shooting that targeted his 17-year-old ex-girlfriend and an 18-year-old man.

Shooting victim and former Blood Darren Williams is trying to help the city with the Precision Youth Power Program.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Bread Question

ne volez pas ce pain!We (actually, our Philosophy prof freshman year of college) posed this poll question a long time ago:
Is stealing bread to feed your starving family wrong?
We thought the answer would be obvious: of course it is. All wrongs aren't equal, but a justifiable wrong is still a wrong, right?
Surprisingly not! The majority of readers (60 percent) said no, as did the expert we consulted, Rabbi Alan Yuter of the B'nai Israel Congregation on the West side. (We also put in calls to the Maryland Catholic Conference and the Islamic Center of Maryland, but Rabbi Yuter was the only one to return the call!) Said the rabbi,
"I can’t give a straight answer because every case is different. In Jewish law we distinguish between assaults on person and assaults on property. Stealing is not generally an option, but you’re allowed to commit a minor sin to avoid suicide. We believe that life is more important than property, but you can’t give a formulaic answer in my view."
The best answer, though, has got to be the one (maybe) doled out by Fiorello La Guardia ... the law makes no exceptions, but we should all be fined for living in such a crapulent society.

Three More Murders

Sun's Laura McCandlish: "An officer on patrol found the body of [Antoine Deshawn Hawkins] in the 2200 block of Robb St. about 1 a.m. yesterday ... [he] had been shot several times and was pronounced dead at the scene ... A second male homicide victim was pronounced dead at Johns Hopkins Hospital ... in the 900 block of N. Chester St. in East Baltimore ... The third male victim, who was not identified, was found dead in bed at his home in the 1700 block of S. Dallas St. in East Baltimore about 10 a.m. yesterday." And in another incident, "at least three men opened fire on a woman who was in front of a vacant house in the first block of S. Hilton St. in West Baltimore."

Saturday, May 12, 2007

May 12

Within six hours, two bodies were found in cars in Baltimore County. Sabrina Mae Bange disappeared while at at a Howard County bar with a friend on Wednesday night; her body was found on Thursday night in a truck near Woodlawn Cemetery. Richard Theodore Nock Jr. was found dead in a car behind a house in Rosedale early Friday morning; he had been shot to death.

Now our police are being warned that they may be attacked by Bloods. What a great city.

Arsonists near O'Donnell Heights are keeping busy.

Dulaney Valley High School was closed yesterday due to a suspicious liquid being found in the bathroom. Unlike the "suspicious liquid" that was found at Sudbrook Middle last week, this time it wasn't water.

Kirk Fonseca and Lewis Rich were indicted for fatally stabbing Ernest Buchanan at a McDonald's near the Inner Harbor last month.

Steven Carr pleaded guilty to attacking local politician A. Robert Kaufman.

A jury will determine convicted killer John Gaumer's sentence.

Friday, May 11, 2007

May 11

At a hearing today Mark Brooks, 41, of the 2200 block of Clifton Avenue, pled guilty to second degree murder. Under terms of the plea agreement announced in open court, Brooks faces a possible prison term of 25 years suspend no more than 15 years. Judge Wanda K. Heard scheduled sentencing for August 10, 2007. Co-defendant Natasha Sarchiapone, 26, of the 2000 block of Griddle Avenue, pled guilty to second degree assault and first degree breaking and entering today. Judge Heard sentenced her to 20 years in prison, suspending all but seven years and three years probation for the breaking and entering. Details:
On June 24, 2006 at approximately 11:30 p.m. police responded to 4819 Pennington Ave. for a report of a stabbing. Upon arrival, police discovered the victim, Russell Duckworth, 33, suffering from multiple stab wounds to the neck and torso. He was transported to Harbor Hospital, where he died less than an hour later. Investigation revealed that Natasha Sarchiapone was at the Duckworth home using drugs all day. Duckworth then told Sarchiapone to leave. Sarchiapone refused so victim physically removed her. Sarchiapone was upset by this and returned with Mark Brooks. They entered the home of the victim without his permission or knowledge. Sarchiapone then proceeded to assault a woman who was in the home while at the same time Brooks attacked the victim with a sharp object, striking him 12 times. Brooks and Sarchiapone both fled and witnesses later identified them as the individuals who committed the above crimes.
"Baltimore police shot a man near the corner of West North Avenue and Braddish Avenue in West Baltimore ... no word on the man's condition." This follows yesterday's police-involved shooting outside of Club Mate.

In PGC, Choyyah I. Bozeman got 18 months for shaking his baby son to death.

Burglary, robbery etc in the Blotter and the Messenger crime log, which also includes a report of a guy stabbed in the chest "by assailant trying to steal his cell phone."

The Den, a nightclub in the Chillage, will live to annoy neighbors another day.

Residents of the Northern: there are not enough sworn officers to make community-based policing an effective strategy.

Disposition on Case of Walter Lomax

From the SA's office (edited for style):
Today Judge Gale E. Rasin modified the life sentence of Walter Lomax, 59, to include no probation. He pled guilty to first-degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison suspend all but time served with unsupervised probation on December 13, 2006 following a sentencing modification hearing for his life sentence imposed in 1968.

Despite previous media reports, Lomax was not "wrongfully convicted" his sentence was not "overturned" and he was NOT exonerated of this crime. His guilty conviction stands. On December 13, 2006 Judge Rasin modified the original lawful sentence of life in prison and re-imposed a life sentence and suspended all but time served. Lomax received a guilty verdict for the 1967 murder of Robert Brewer, 56. Judge Rasin MODIFIED the original sentence to time served.

On December 2, 1967 Lomax entered Giles supermarket in South Baltimore. Lomax shot and killed Robert Brewer, 56, who was the night manager. In the process, Lomax also robbed the store. In 1968 he was found guilty of first degree murder, robbery deadly weapon and attempted robbery deadly weapon. He received a sentence of life for the murder, 20 years for the robbery deadly weapon the attempted robbery deadly weapon both to run concurrently. A post conviction hearing was held in 1986 and was denied.

A motion to re-open the post conviction and a petition for post conviction relief was filed on behalf of Mr. Lomax. Larry Nathans and Booth Ripke represented him. They were contacted by Centurian Ministries.

The family of the victim was contacted prior to the hearing and the proposed modification was explained to them. In attendance at the hearing was the victim’s daughter, two granddaughters and two great grandchildren. One of the victim's granddaughters gave a victim impact statement.
Businessweek: beware Baltimore business BlueHippo.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

May 10

A man was shot to death this morning in the 300 block of 23 1/2 Street in Barclay.

"MySpace murderer" and former UMBC student John Gaumer was found guilty by a jury in Towson this afternoon.

Brian Cotter, 19, was arrested for the murder of 18-year-old Dundalkian Raymond Zubrowski.

Cleared officer Jemini Jones will get his back pay.

Thirunavukarasu Varatharasa, the fourth Tamil Tiger defendant, pled guilty today to "conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization and attempted exportation of arms and munitions."

In the Blotter, arrests for shootings on Tuesday; one William Salmeron was arrested in NC for the 2006 murder of Jose Mendoza.

Oumar BahDamon Holmes, 15, of the 6600 block of Old Harford Road, pled guilty to Second Degree Murder, Use of Handgun of Crime of Violence, and Robbery with a Deadly Weapon; on May 31, 2006, Damon Holmes shot and killed Oumar Bah, 28, (left) in the 7100 block of McClean Blvd. Bah was a cab operator who had picked up Holmes on Northern Parkway. After shooting Bah, Holmes took money from Bah's cab. Sentencing is set for 9 a.m. on June 29 before the Honorable Lynn Stewart, in Room 215 of the Clarence Mitchell, Jr. Courthouse. Holmes faces a maximum of 40 years in prison.

Indictments from the SA's office:

Jonathan Watkins, 53, of the 3000 block of Belmont Avenue on charges of first-degree murder May 4. Court documents allege on March 9, 2007 Jonathan Watkins was the last person seen walking with Anthony Bryan, 36, in the rear of the 3000 block of Rosedale Court. Mr. Bryan was found with a gunshot wound to the head. He died a short time later at University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center.

Dajuan Carter, 22, of the 1300 block of Ellwood Avenue on charges of first-degree murder. Court documents allege Dajuan Carter was identified as the suspect in the March 27 shooting of Ronald Harmon, 17. Mr. Harmon was found on the ground suffering from a gunshot wound to the head in the 2500 block of E. Biddle Street. He died a short time later from his injuries.

Korey Harris, 18, of the 300 block of Bridgeview Road on charges of first-degree murder and attempted murder; court documents allege on April 19, 2007 two shootings occurred in the 2400 block of Seabury Road in which Harris was identified as the suspect. The first victim, Christopher Wayman was found with a gunshot wound to the head. The second victim was shot in the back and survived his injuries. Mr. Wayman died a short time later at University of Maryland Shock Trauma.

Orville Earl Cooper, 24, of the 600 block of South Wickham Road on charges of rape, robbery, second, third and fourth -degree sex offense, and kidnapping; court documents allege on January 1, 2006 in the 4200 block of Frederick Road, Orville Cooper approached a mass transit patron, exited his car, threatened the patron into his car with a weapon and committed a first degree sex offense. Court documents also allege on February 15, 2006 Orville Cooper robbed, assaulted and raped a passenger of his sedan transportation service. AND Court documents ALSO allege that on April 2, 2006, Orville Cooper, parked his vehicle several feet ahead of a pedestrian, exited his vehicle, approached the pedestrian with a weapon, and then forced the pedestrian into his car, and robbed, assaulted and raped the pedestrian. AND Court documents ALSO allege that on July 8, 2006, Orville Cooper, approached the window of a parked car, pretended to be a police officer, robbed and assaulted the occupants seated in the car. Crikey!
Ravens quarterback Steve McNair was arrested for DUI in Tennessee after he refused to take a breathalyzer test ... even though he wasn't driving.

Nichole Franklin of Baltimore, Wade Johnson of Annapolis, and James Jones of Annapolis were arrested for forging prescriptions.

... speaking of, somebody sploshed paint on certain looming, flabby jowls on an 83 billboard. Robert Murrow, a spokesman for the city's Department of Public Works: "it looks great!" They Say it'll be fixed by tomorrow, so enjoy the view tonight!

Driver Warning?

From a community listerv.
"At Tuesday's community meeting at the SW District Police Station, we received this warning:

Don't flash headlights at any car with no lights on!

Police officers working with the DARE program tell us that if you are driving after dark and see an on! -coming car with no headlights on, do not flash your lights at them! This is a common "Bloods" member "initiation game." The new gang member under initiation drives along with no headlights; the first car to flash their headlights at him is now his target." He is required to turn around, chase that car and than shoot to kill every individual in the vehicle in order to complete his initiation requirements. Their intent is to have all the new bloods nationwide drive around on Friday and Saturday nights with their headlights off. In order to be accepted into the gang, they have to shoot and kill individuals in the first auto that does a courtesy flash to warm them that their lights are off.

Make sure you share this information with all the drivers in your family!"

I know it's a legend, but the "Tuesday's community meeting at the SW District Police Station" made me wonder if the Bloods had heard the legend and decided it was a good idea... but yes, it is NOT TRUE.... when I called the Southwestern as soon as I said the word "headlights" (didn't even have to finish) the officer who answered the phone was like "no, it's not true, it's an urban legend, the Bloods don't do that and no one in the Southwestern ever said that."
So there you go.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

May 9

Four men were murdered "within a 10-hour period between Monday evening and early yesterday in apparently unrelated incidents": Thomas Mouzon, 23, on North Caroline Street, William Don Curtis, 23, shot on Raymonn Avenue, John Lee Graves, 26, killed on Cliftview Avenue near Clifton Park, and Michael Eugene Davis, 25 on Woodbine Avenue in Forest Park.

That. Is. So. Fucked! Juanita Robinson, 27, was arrested for the murder of Andre McBride, 21. She had been charged with first-degree murder of a 16-year-old and convicted, but served only six months of a 10-year suspended sentence.

The Ink: "The death of Abdul Rahim Azzie was added to the [2007] homicide rolls this week despite the fact that police have never found his body."

The U.S. Attorney's office will seek the death penalty against MS-13 members and co-defendants Jorge Rigoberto Amador, 32, Antonio Roberto Argueta, 25, and Juan Carlos Moriera, 27.

Six shootings in the Blotter, including the attempted home-invasion from yesterday. And a helluvalotta robberies.

Joe Guadagnoli, a father of three, was arrested for growing marijuana, and "police say they're proud."
As MD has a five-year mandatory minimum sentence for more than 50 pounds (how it's weighed, I don't know... do dirt or plant pots count? Stems? Seeds?), chances are quite good he'll serve more time than any other perp on this page.
(note: if you're trying to map it, it's one word-- Glenoak Avenue-- in Hamilton)

In this week's CP cover feature, an interview with the "imposing" and "impassive" Hamm.

Truck Stop Games of Chester, Va., which operated slot machines at (where else?) truck stops in Maryland and other states has agreed to pay a $2.5 million criminal settlement for money laundering and gambling.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

May 8

Post: "Gov. Martin O'Malley said he is considering whether to sign a bill that would put Maryland among the states seeking to reverse a long trend toward more severe punishment for some drug crimes."

"Detectives may walk beat in Baltimore" sounds like an encouraging headline, but ... "detectives" includes the city's mere 42 (?!?!?!) homicide detectives, who, in addition to the corpses du jour spend one week a month working on some of the 1,065 unsolved murder cases (according to Janis) that remain unsolved from the past nine years.
Meanwhile, in case you missed it, the homicide closure rate for 2007 is 23.4 percent so far.

The aptly named, Robert Looney, wanted by authorities on an attempted-murder charge, was arrested at about 8 a.m. today after he barricaded himself inside a house on the 2800 block of Gatehouse Drive in West Baltimore.

A reader at the U of MD downtown wrote to ask, "Have you heard anything about a group of teens knocking on doors in Ridgley’s Delight on Monday morning around 10 a.m.? Supposedly, someone in the group shot at the front door of one home, hitting the occupant." Later today she forwarded this warning from the police:
This morning (Monday), there was an attempted home invasion on Fremont Street near South Paca Street. The suspects were seen earlier knocking on doors in the area. It is also believed that they were involved in a shooting on Scott Street in Barre Circle last week.

What can you do?
If somebody knocks on your door, do not open it before checking to see who is there [gee, rilly?!]. If you see people matching the following descriptions knocking on doors, please call 911 immediately and tell the operator that you see suspects matching the description of the shooting in Ridgely's Delight.

Suspect #1
Age: 16 - 19
Race: African American
Skin Tone: Brown/Medium
Sex: Male.
Build: Medium
Height: 5'6"
Hair: Dread locks (shoulder length)
Clothing: Blue and red polo shirt with grey sweatpants

Suspect #2
Age: 16 - 19
Race: African American
Skin tone: Dark
Sex: Male
Build: Medium
Height: 5"6"
Hair: Short curly hair
Clothing: Dark colored hooded sweat shirt
Suspect(s) are known to be armed with a long barreled handgun, possibly a [.]22 caliber. Suspect fled on foot across MLK toward Pigtown. The University of Maryland police are also assisting with the investigation.
barnesAttorney for Roland Park's local perv, Kenneth Barnes (left): let my pervert go!

WJZ: illegal dirt bikes and ATVs are wild on the streets and police won't chase them down, creating a "real stew of trouble."

In the County, John Gaumer's trial for the murder of Hampden's Josie Brown began. The Sun's Jennifer McMenamin has details about the process of the investigation, but Broadwater at the Examiner lets loose with the horrific details that will have you groping for a puke bucket. As reports of horrific murders should, right?

Jamaal K. Abeokuto's death sentence was reduced today to life without parole for the 2002 kidnapping and death of eight-year-old Marciana Ringo.

slaveBetter late than never dept: the Gov. signed a bill apologizing for slavery in Maryland. On that note, quote of the day from former slave about mealtime at Hampton Mansion up in Towson:
There was a trough out in the yard where the poured in mush and milk, and us children and the dogs would all crowd 'round and eat it together. We children had homemade wooden paddles to eat with, and we sure had to be in a hurry about it, because the dogs would get it all if we didn't.
And a recollection by a man who'd seen his sister beaten for accidentally breaking a clock:
My old marster took her and tied a rope around her neck-- just long enough to keep it from choking her-- and tied her up in the back yard and whipped her I don't know how long. There stood mother, there stood father, and there stood all the children and none could come to her rescue."
(from James Loewen's excellent Lies Across America, quoting slave narratives collected in the 1930s). Overseers, including the Ridgelys of Hampton, were also known to rub salt into whip wounds, castrate males who ran away, and sell parents of young children to farway plantations, never to be seen again. Gone With the Wind it wasn't!

Monday, May 7, 2007

May 7

Wow! This weekend's murder rate is down 66% from the same period last week. Perhaps the mayor and police commissioner should schedule a meeting to celebrate their success. Yesterday morning at about 1:30, an unidentified man was repeatedly shot in the 200 block of S. Spring Ct. in the Southeastern. He died at Hopkins about an hour later. Early Saturday morning, an unidentified man was fatally shot in the head in the 1300 block of Herkimer St.

Two more of last week's murder victims have been identified. 23-year-old Matthew Davis was the man found in an Acura in the 100 block of S. Mount St. on Thursday evening. 16-year-old Jamal Knox was the boy found in a car in the 500 block of Half Mile Ct. last Monday.

In addition to the newly-identified homicide victims, today's Blotter (linked above) also lists a shooting, two stabbings, a whole bunch of burglaries in the county, and the arrest of Gregory Davenport for the murder of Dewitt Smith.

Soman Thamby was arrested and charged with killing his wife, Lesa.

A PG man was stabbed to death at an International House of Pancakes in Bladensburg early this morning.

Ten teenagers escaped from the Charles Hickey School on Sunday night, and five of them are still at large.

Not only had Brandon Grimes, the man accused of killing Det. Troy Chesley, been arrested 17 times, but the gun that Grimes used in the murder had come to the police's attention twice before.

Pharoah Carr, a witness in the murder trial against LeShawn Green, is refusing to testify in court, so city prosecutors have been granted the right to use a taped interview with police.

Shawn Anthony Jones' trial begins today in Carroll County Circuit Court. Jones is accused of first-degree murder in the death of Donnie Bowman, and attempted first-degree murder in the shooting of Lamont Dew.

Opening arguments are scheduled to begin today in the trial of John Gaumer, accused of murdering and raping Josie Brown on their first date. The Examiner article really reflects what a spineless piece of crap Gaumer is.

Someone set a fire in the elevator of a Towson University dorm.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

May 6

Lesa Lynn Thamby was stabbed to death on Friday night in Brooklyn Park (AAC). A neighbor described her as "a very beautiful, very sweet young lady who would do anything for anyone."

9-year-old Gabriel Hudgins of Essex has been missing since Friday afternoon, except social services seems to have taken him out of school and into their custody.

Anthony Green wants to use his tragedy to help kids and parents in truant court.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

May 5

The two Sudbrook Middle School wannabe-bomber girls are being detained until their trials start. The order came despite compelling statements by their attorneys like, "As you can see, this child is not a danger to anyone."

Ernest Harris Jr. was found not guilty for the 1984 murder of his neighbor, Arden Shirley Epps. The defense claims there were multiple leads that the police failed to pursue, including witness testimony and a person being caught with a gun that belonged to the victim.

A jury rejected Marshall Adams' self-defense claim and convicted him of first-degree murder, despite Adams' claim that he "only stabbed {Leo Morris) seven times."

Coke dealer Nigel Humphrey John Baptiste was sentenced to 25 years yesterday.

"Career criminal" Timothy Dwight Cornwell got 15.5 years for possession of a gun, which he tried to hide in a house's mail slot.

Snow cone stand sex offender Kenneth Barnes was arrested yesterday at his home.

Lots of women were fighting each other this week.

Hey, President Stephanie: If you ever want to be mayor, you should probably stop hiring staffers who try to beat up former Ravens.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Damon Holmes pleads guilty

15-year-old Damon Holmes pleaded guilty today to Second Degree Murder, Use of Handgun of Crime of Violence, and Robbery with a Deadly Weapon. He faces a maximum of 40 years.
On May 31, 2006, Damon Holmes shot and killed Oumar Bah, 28, in the 7100 block of McClean Blvd. Bah was a cab operator who had picked up Holmes on Northern Parkway. said Josie Kennedy After shooting Bah, Holmes took money from Bah’s cab.

May 4

An unidentified man was fatally shot in the 100 block of S. Mount St, in the Southern neighborhood of Union Square. Richard Irwin and Gus G. Sentementes report that this brings the official toll for 2007 to 95, compared with 88 at this time last year.

Luke Broadwater does a recap of April's murders, including some particularly gruesome details on 16-year-old Brent Flanagan's death.

Devon Richardson got 10 years for murdering 67-year-old Janice Letmate as she walked home from work. Julie Bykowicz' story quotes a partner at the lawfirm where Ms. Letmate worked as saying, "She never said an unkind word about anyone. She never harmed a soul." Apparently, Ms. Letmate was one of those innocent bystanders who our politicians like to say are unaffected by Baltimore's culture of crime.

Police finally found David Robinson, the suspected getaway driver for last month's botched robbery at Fantasies Night Club.

Tivon Wright, Sean Taylor, and Matthew Evans face charges related to last year's jailhouse murder of Anthony Conaway.

A bunch of arrests and burglaries in the Blotter.

It's been a rough week for school kids in the area:

Two Sudbrook Middle School girls tried to blow up their school. The girls have been charged with felony possession of explosive materials, though presumably not for the bottle of water that school officials thought contained material for making a bomb.

A 13-year-old girl was sexually assaulted at her Baltimore County school bus stop by a white man with braces and a faint moustache.

Danielle Talbot, a teacher at William H. Lemmel Middle School in the city, was arrested after allegedly buying methadone on her way to class.

Sex offender Kenneth Barnes has been spotted lurking among snow cone stands in Roland Park. In 1996, Barnes was convicted of raping a 9-year-old girl.

A jackass on a school bus in Rosedale threw something out the bus window that shattered a passing car's windshield, which got glass in the driver's eye.

47-year-old Joseph Ballmann, a former English teacher at Robert Frost Middle School in MoCo, was charged with inappropriate sexual contact with a 15-year-old boy. (I originally had the former teacher's name misspelled. Interestingly, the original post has been removed by WBAL. Their mistake or mine? Not sure. I try to be very careful about spelling on this site, though, so I apologize if the mistake was mine.)

Two of the four sex offense charges against a 17-year-old Fredneck have been moved from adult court to juvenile court. Michael Thomas Smith is charged with sexually assaulting four female classmates last year.
Sex offender Kenneth Barnes is out of jail and has been spotted at the snowball stand on Falls Road by the County line.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Judge John Prevas sentenced Antwan Smith, 23, of the 6800 block of Lenbern Road to 30 years in prison today for multiple counts of robbery. Details:
On October 23, 2005, the defendants (Smith and Charles Patterson, 26, of the 600 block of Woodington Road) robbed or attempted to rob Lamar Davis, James Anderson, Charlotte Johnson, and Tycara Johnson in the area of 4100 block of Cleve Court of the Brooklyn Homes in South Baltimore, Maryland. During this robbery spree, Anthony Heck came upon the defendants and shot at them from a distance. Antwan Smith allegedly returned fire, hitting and causing the death of Heck. On March 21, 2007, a Baltimore City jury convicted of three counts of Robbery with a Dangerous or Deadly Weapon and one count of Attempted Robbery with a Dangerous or Deadly Weapon. They were acquitted of the murder of Anthony Heck. Patterson will be sentenced May 23, 2007.

May 3

The body of an unidentified man was found in a run-down rowhouse in Barclay last night. It appears that the man was shot.

Marciana Ringo's mother testified yesterday in the trial of Jamaal K. Abeokuto. May 2 would have been Marciana's 13th birthday.

Maurice Mouzon got 20+ years on federal gun and drug charges yesterday, after nearly 12 years of getting slapped on the wrist for his naughty behavior.

A 60-year-old woman is in serious condition at Hopkins after a suspected arson in the 900 block of E. Chase St.

Some kids threw a rock at a Loyola student on Sunday night and hit him in the head.

The Blotter has been much deeper than usual this week, with today's report (three pages!) detailing a rape, several stabbings, and some very bizarre homicide arrests.

An 11-year-old girl who hears gunshots every week and a ninth-grade boy who can't get to school without walking through gang territory were on-hand when the City Council unveiled its new report on tackling gang violence. There was no mention as to whether a report was prepared to report on the effectiveness of previously commissioned reports on gang-violence.

Sheila D. is a fan of drug treatment, but she won't state her opinions on decriminalizing the use of illegal drugs.

Terrance Washington, the inmate who escaped from HarCo officers while he was being taken to the hospital, was caught in Tennessee after stealing a Ryder truck and a Lexus.

Wow. People in HoCo actually have, like, community meetings and stuff when people get a person gets murdered. What a weird concept.

Two officers are appealing a decision in a suit against the BPD regarding libelous search warrants.

Crime tip #1: Don't speed when you're transporting 180 pounds of high-quality wacky tabaccy from Atlanta to New York.

Crime tip #2: When you're fleeing police at 1:00am, crashing into a telephone pole is not the best escape plan.

A wedding photographer is scamming couples in Frederick.

An employee at the Maryland Department of Natural Resources lost a thumb drive with the Social Security numbers of about 1,400 employees, but it's probably just between some bus seats or something.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


el debargenot el debargeFugitive suspect and El DeBarge lookalike Arnaldo Lopes was nabbed for a 1995 Boston murder when he deplaned at BWI.
Oooooooo ... and I like it!

May 2

Larry Brockington, 31, was shot to death in the 900 block of N. Rosedale Street in the Franklintown Road neighborhood on the West Side. Notes Gus G. Sentementes, "It was the second fatal shooting on the street in less than a week. On Friday, 25-year-old Dewitt Smith was killed in the 1600 block of N. Rosedale St."

Three suspicious deaths have been added to our tally (but not the Police's), bringing the count to 98: Phillp Hines, 36, and Dontrelle Nesmith, 29, found 3200 block of Normount Avenue in the Southwestern, and Duane Allen, 42, found "partially submerged in a marshy area in Westport" near the 2000 block of Annapolis Road and Clare Street.

Several homicide victims have been ID'd: 21-year-old Deshaun White was killed on Monday in the 3600 block of Reisterstown Rd.; 24-year-old Eric Queen was killed Monday in the 1900 block of E. Lafayette St.; and 36-year-old Lonnie Plateo was killed Sunday afternoon in the 4600 block of Old Frederick Rd. Also in the Blotter: a 25-year-old man was shot on W. Cold Spring Lane and is in critical condition; a 31-year-old woman was shot while sitting on a neighbor's porch on N. Ellwood St. and is in critical condition; a 34-year-old man was cut on the face when he didn't have any money to give robbers on Eastern Ave.; and a man and woman were robbed of $24 at gunpoint on Baltimore St. Oh, and that's just what happened in the Northern and the Southeastern.

This week's "Murder Ink" covers seven homicides -- including the police-related death of Damion Baker -- and provides updates on four other murder cases.

No shit, Sherlock: "City residents want to see more police walking streets."

In response to yesterday's Examiner stories on unsolved murders, Sheila D. says we have to trust our police. She did not mention whether or not she is forming a committee to examine if, in addition to trusting the police, we should stop killing each other.

The good mayor is also pulling for a data analysis system to help track gun crimes. There have been 204 shootings so far this year, compared to 162 at the same time last year.

Ann Barone was forced out of her house by the city's nuisance laws. One neighbor said, "There was drugs going on, drug dealers living in the house, drugs being sold in the house."

Jury selection is scheduled to begin today in Baltimore County for alleged MySpace killer John Gaumer.

There may be a breakthrough in the case against Nancy Jean Siegel, who is accused of killing her 76-year-old boyfriend 11 years ago.

Perv du jour: Cmdr. Kevin Ronan has been accused of making video recordings of midshipmen having sex with their girlfriends.

Convicted murderer George Robert Chaney was indicted for robbing a Provident Bank on E. Monument St. in April.

Denise Rosado got 6 months for stealing $33,000 from her job at the state. Donna and Wilson Lam, however, defrauded the state of $1.7 million, but no criminal charges have been filed yet.

Urban adventurer Michael Arndt broke into the wrong Columbia warehouse.

Leon Loved Crabcakes

leon nelsonDear Charles, did drop by the cookbook party for the Family Bereavement center this afternoon. Included was a a submission for crab and salmon cakes from the family of the first victim of 2007, Leon Nelson, left, shot to death at the China Garden. If you didn't already, thought you'd like to know what he looked like.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

May 1 Afternoon

A woman's body was found amidst the trash outside a vacant house in the 2900 block of Ellicott Drive. June 17 of last year, a 28-year-old African-American man, identified by police as Blackburn John, was found lying facedown in the 2800 block of the same street.

A group of University of Maryland law students are working to bring positive change to Cherry Hill, a city neighborhood that contains the largest concentration of public housing this side of Chicago. (The article actually says "west of Chicago," but I'm assuming nobody moved Cherry Hill to the other side of the Ol' Mississip while we weren't looking.) The article's claim that no murders occurred in Cherry Hill since December 2006 was destroyed on April 19, when Christopher Wayman was shot to death on Seabury Rd.

Shanda Harris' reckless endangerment trial has been postponed at the request of the defense. Harris allegedly knew that her babysitter, Melvin Lorenzo Jones Jr., was a registered sex offender when she allowed Jones to babysit her 11-year-old son Irvin. Irvin was stabbed to death last summer, and Jones was arrested and charged with the killing.

Bobby Collins of Brooklyn, NY, allegedly called Baltimore 911 more than 250 times within one month.

May 1

Two more people were murdered in our fine city last night, bringing the year's official death toll to 91* and the death toll since Friday to eight**. An unidentified man was shot to death in the 1900 block of E. Lafayette St. last night at about 10:00, and another man was shot and left in a parked car in the 500 block of Half Mile Ct. at about 7:00 last night. Meanwhile, the man who was killed on Sunday in the 300 block of S. Payson St. was identified as 22-year-old Leroy Sanders.

The Examiner published five stories on cold-case murders this morning. Apparently, 43% of murderers in the city are never caught, and 75% of those who are sent to prison are out again within 10 years. Profiled are the cases of Juan McMahan, who was murdered at a birthday party in July of 2004; Georgio Washington, who was killed on Kenwood Ave. on Dec. 20, 2001; Robert Russell, who was killed on Garrett Ave. in November of 2004; and Cameron Curtis, who was killed in South Baltimore in October of 2004. Curtis' mother, a teacher at Bentalou Elementary, said her son was a married father of three with no criminal record, and she asked, "How can I teach the children I have [at Bentalou] that if you get a job and be productive, you’ll be OK? I can’t teach them that, because that’s not what happened for my son."

The two men who were killed at the Arbutus birthday party shootout have been ID'd as Edward Wayne Johnson of Cherry Hill and Michael Johnson of Windsor Mill. BaCo police spokesman Bill Toohey is still frustrated that out of 100 possible witnesses, none have spoken up.

Shocking news, Sheila: people who live in blighted neighborhoods want a safe city! "I can't even bring my kids outside. I'm scared to bring them outside because of the drugs."

A HoCo General Hospital forensic nurse says most sexual assaults are not reported.

James McCoy Turner got 15 years for guns and drugs.

Sixty families who have been helped by Kim Holmes and the staff at the Family Bereavement Center -- the city organization that assists families of murder victims -- contributed recipes to "Tasty Treasures," a cookbook and an "elegy to a city in pain." If you'd like a copy, call Kim at 410-396-7351.

It looks like the cheerleader didn't do it.

A fight over a boy in Westminster led to second-degree assault charges against a 15-year-old.

* The Baltimore Crime murder toll sits at 93, due to bodies that were found in Leakin Park and near Cherry Hill earlier this year.

** The city's homicide count since Friday is four times greater than Howard County's murder count so far this year, and is twice the total annual number of homicides in HoCo last year.

Monday, April 30, 2007

April 30 Afternoon

Her Honor has announced the strategy to fight crime that so "many in the public and the media has been wanting me to share and express," and it's some seriously radical stuff! State troopers walking the beat, full staffing of the police force by the end of the year, Ed Norris will be restored as commissioner ... oh just kidding, it's the same old soporific crap!

The Supremes are some busy codgers: they heard a police-chase case and will hear a death-penalty case, but won't get involved with a married-lesbian-child-custody thing.

Fredneck police say Deysi Benitez, 25, the mother of four children who were slain by their father in March is "probably alive."

April 30

A birthday party at a hall in Arbutus ended in a shooting that left two dead and three wounded. The precinct commander said, "nothing like this in Arbutus before." In a surprise turn of events, witnesses are being "less than fully cooperative."

It's been a busy weekend in the city: six homicides and nine non-fatal shootings since Sunday. Early Monday morning, an unidentified man was fatally shot in the 3600 block of Reisterstown Rd. On Sunday, an un-ID'd man in the 300 block of S. Payson St. was repeatedly shot and died at Shock Trauma; an un-ID'd man was found in the condemned Updand Apartments in the 4600 block of Old Frederick Rd. with gunshot wounds; Azerwoine Walker was fatally shot in the 6200 block of Elliott St. in O'Donnell Heights; and Ronald Daniels was fatally shot in the head outside the Cameo Lounge in the 4700 block of Harford Rd, marking the first time in just over a year that anyone has been murdered at the notoriously violent bar. (Nehemiah Johnson was killed there on April 3, 2006, and the Sun reports there were multiple shootings in 2002.) On Friday night, Dewitt Smith was repeatedly shot and was found lying in the street (the article doesn't say which street) in the Southwestern.

Damion Baker was the man killed by police early Saturday morning. The 25-year-old suspected gang member had a well-developed criminal record.

A pharmacist at a Frederick CVS was shot during an attempted drug robbery.

Three UMES students were shot or stabbed in two incidents on Friday.

An elderly man in Cockeysville pretended to have a heart attack and fell to the floor during an ATM robbery, but the robber assaulted him anyway and stole all his money.

In news that the human race is not complete and utter slime, support from strangers is keeping Payton Potochney's family's spirits high.

An Anne Arundel cheerleader made death threats against other students on the cheerleading squad.