Tuesday, June 30, 2009

City gas theft, Calvert Hall student gets lost

A city employee stole gas with a city gas car unhindered for over a year, reselling it to a car theft ring for a nifty profit. Meanwhile, city police taught a Calvert Hall student who got lost en route to church a harsh lesson.


  1. Its funny, the knockers (plain clothes city police officers) are kind of out of control. Im surprised more of them havent been shot dead, since they dont look like cops when they suddenly open your door like a carjacking...its a useless strategy in the "war on drugs"...they can pretty much beat you up and then blame it one you (ive seen it happen)..the worst is that sometimes if your in the "wrong area" they will pull you over and tear your car apart looking for drugs...this strategy could be used in a much more productive manner, picking on random people in the streets does NOTHING, but send you in a bug run a round that accomplishes little, and often ends in some one getting hurt or killed....especially when they ask 3 big black dudes in sweat suits to jump out a minivan...like i said before, its amazing more have not been shot or killed.

  2. Police are not to be any more trusted than any other tax paying citizen when it comes to saving their own asses. Police are not special or above anyone else so they should not be treated that way and should not get attitudes when someone questions them. They should be humble public servants..lucky to have a job.

  3. Here's a piece of news.

    The state of Michigan is on hard times and contains the most dangerous city in the nation.

    So,... it is closing prisons NOT because there aren't people within the state in need of incarceration, but rather because the Governor would like to the money for other things, leaving hoodlums on the streets.

    BUT..... they apparently can afford to operate the prisons to house inmates from out of state.

    This is much akin to poor west african nations agreeing to allow western nations with high environmental standards to export their toxicity.

    So,.. Michigan is going to foist its criminals upon the public in Detroit and instead incarcerate someone else's hoodlums.


    Sounds kinda like Baltimore.

  4. Jury weighs life or death for Melvin Gilbert and James Dinkins. I'm obviously rooting for death.

  5. The family of PG County cop-killer Ronnie White has filed a $154 million wrongful death lawsuit.

    The idea that Ronnie White could be worth so much money is so absurd that it defies description. If there was ever a person whose life had negative value it was him. He was a worthless thug and criminal who ended up murdering a police officer. Even if he was killed by guards his family doesn't deserve a cent. Ronnie White was a piece of trash, and his life wasn't worth anything more than the garbage that I put out to be picked up yesterday morning.

  6. "I'm innocent!" Miami cried from the defense table .. well take the stand then, Kirk Bloodsworth! Jayzis!
