Monday, June 29, 2009

Supreme Court: you can't scrap a test just because not enough minority candidates pass. Like, duh.


  1. I'm glad that SCOTUS ruled the way they did, however the fact that it was a 5-4 ruling is rather disturbing. How could 4 Supreme Court justices be so wrong?

    This is also something really nitpicky, but in the case of the New Haven firefighters some minorities did pass. There was at least one Hispanic firefighter who got screwed over and was part of the lawsuit.

  2. Diversity equals the lowest common denominator. If you create standards to include everyone, the standards have to be lowered.

    Multiculturalism produces mediocrity.

  3. "Multiculturalism" (whatever that means) wasn't the problem in this case, it was the ridiculous idea that fairness means you have to have equality of results rather than equality of opportunity.

  4. For me, hre's the big question regarding this New Haven firefighter test issue...

    Is it possible to construct a test in which all of the white canditates FAIL, and all of the black canditates PASS?"

    If the answer is "no", then logically, the entire arguement that the test is "biased" falls apart. Otherwise it would be equally possible to produce the opposite outcome, but "biasing" the test in the other direction.

  5. The whole idea that tests are biased against one race is idiotic. Tests are biased against people who are unintelligent and/or those who don't study as hard.
