Monday, July 27, 2009

War in the East

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.. claims 17or 16? in any case, a record-breaking number of shooting victims in three incidents in one night
a pregnant woman, a toddler and 10 others struck at a BBQ and two teenagers shot dead on Conkling St...

The Baltimore Spectator blogs that the BBQ was a memorial to 16-year-old murder victim Jerrod Reed, shot on the 16th, and that there may also be a connection to Saturday's murder of a woman at the Club House Lounge.

One of the victims at the cookout shooting was Steven Blackwell, 25, whose younger brothers were abducted last April in what police said was part of an escalating feud between rival drug organizations. Police sources at the time told The Baltimore Sun that the abductions may have set off a wave of as many as five retaliatory homicides over the course of three months last summer.

Sunday's cookout was to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the fatal shootings of Quinton Hogan, 23, who police believe was connected with the Blackwells, and Donell Rogers, 21. They were fatally shot July 25, 2008, shortly after Hogan appeared in District Court.

More from Hermann.

... also, the "stars have aligned" to bring federal Supermax to MD


  1. The two fatalities were the two young men, I think 18 and 19 both gunned down on Conklin St. I was at Hopkins ER last night. The male victim from the Baltimore & Bond street incident was not looking very good. Three shots including one to the head. Check out this close up of the shot up car; (you can use it if desired MJB)

  2. Am I the only one that shrugs his shoulders and thinks, oh well they were all most likely criminals or future criminals?

  3. *Raises his hand*

  4. Cookouts are very popular especially in summer. Family reunions, block parties, friends getting together, people don't need much of a reason to show up for a cookout even if they are honoring dead gang members. I wonder who was at those cookouts simply for the food and the camaraderie and not because they were some sort of sordid gang member....and ended up being a shooting victim.

    Too many guns and too many people with a chip on their shoulder.

  5. Hi Cham, finally a common sense response unlike all the crap I've seen on talk forum. The guilt by association as assumption is a little overly broad. Seriously. If a friend of mine said to me, hey man, this Sunday my relatives are throwing a cookout, why don't you come over? I have no way of knowing what his relatives are into. Maybe he does, but do this mean I do.

    So then by joining my friend, and his criminally associated relatives for a backyard BBQ, that would mean that if I got shot up I somehow deserve it?

  6. "Twelve of the victims were struck at a backyard cookout that left a pregnant woman and a 2-year-old child injured, an incident that police say prompted a running gun battle between two vehicles three hours later."

    I'm as cynical as everyone, but even I can't write off a 2-year old as a probable future criminal.

  7. Ah yes, choice in words. Not sure where your quote is, but I was in the same room when Bealefeld said the running gun fight between to cars was AN EXTENSION or continuation of the backyard shooting. Nothing was said about it being prompted by it. Prompted to me would almost suggest retaliation, and I don't think we've seen that yet, too soon.
