Friday, July 31, 2009

Murder #132

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A man shot in the head shortly after midnight, "found on the ground next to the driver's side of a vehicle in the 500 block of E. Lynn Ave." and three other shootings last night

... did you hear the one about the lawyer negotiating the return of children from a murderous drug gang? When they heard what his fees were, the gang decided keeping the kids would be cheaper!
... some politic backpedaling from the Mayor after her "step up" zing to the feds.

A shooting near the mall in Columbia

"Cop killer to be freed"


  1. Would everyone, including Google Maps get it right:

    It's Eastlynne Ave. Not East Lynn Ave. or E. Lynne Ave.

    Take a trip off Brunswick St. and see what the sign says.

  2. Let's free all killers. I'm sure they are reformed and decent citizens now thanks to our correctional system????????????????????????????????????
