Friday, July 17, 2009

Failure to Communicate

Police say Lamont Davis was attached to his GPS when he shot Raven Wyatt, iSecuretrac and our "frustrated" Mayor says he wasn't.

"Three clubs on The Block penalized for underage drinking"
Meanwhile, no-show cop result of mixup

test your drug-war knowledge with this fun quiz


  1. Keep Davis's GPS attached, but detach that little thug's head from his body instead. Beheading is 100% effective at rehabilitating criminals.

  2. Anthony Gugliemi said:
    "Twice since moving to Fort Avenue in South Baltimore, I've gotten court summons for police officers in the Southwest District, because I share the same numbered address as the Southwestern Police District on Font Avenue, even though its a zip code away."

    No, the Southwestern is on Font Hill Ave. Fort Ave addresses would be either E. Fort Ave or W. Fort Ave.

  3. Ah, we are starting to piece together what happened with young Lamont Davis. He's been guilty of several crimes and has been active within the juvenile justice system for years. Once he received his GPS monitoring device from the fine state of Maryland he was inconvenienced by having to wear an ankle device attached to his leg, but other than that his life continued on unencumbered. He was a criminal punk beforehand and he simply continued to be a criminal punk after he got his device terrorizing his neighborhood. Nothing changed.

    From the Sun article today one glaring sentence stands out. last line second page:

    •Once the devices are separated by more than 150 feet, the transmitter becomes useless. Offenders don't even need to cut off the anklet to avoid being tracked.

    Um, I can go get a free cell phone and then pay $40/month to Verizon and that phone will show a big green dot on a map as to my whereabouts. I'm completely confused, why can't these "iSECUREtrac" nitwits in Nebraska figure out how do that? And what kind of a company is this? We won't know because they refuse to comment. But really, a little i and a big SECURE then a trac. What are they trying to tell us? Obviously they have a problem with the Caps Lock button on their computers.

    The only discussion the state of Maryland should have with "iSECUREtrac Inc." is 6 words, "Your contract is being terminated immediately." Then I would add, "you mother fuckers" but I know that would be an additional waste of breath.

    We can write the rest of this story. Little Raven has 2 bullets in her head, LaMont is getting 30 years, we, the taxpayers, are probably getting to pay for LaMonts long hotel stay and Raven's expensive Shock Trauma experience. iSECUREtrac Inc. will eventually make some lame excuse as to why they are sucking money out of our state and not providing any service, and nobody's head will roll over at the Department of Juvenile justice over this. It's really unfortunate I'm not running the show.

    Little Raven is black and poor. It's a shame that she wasn't white and middleclass, that way Nancy Grace would offer to crawl up Lamont's ass and monitor his position from there.

  4. Oh, Cham. You put the "fun" in "fundamentally effed up on multiple levels"

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. How much more violent crime are we going to have to deal with in Baltimore? Maybe a million more crimes? Maybe in the year 2030 we will all have everything magically figured out? Ha. There is something seriously mentally wrong with this city. Until the problems are seen and dealt with then this same lame pattern of crime and violence is going to continue. Tomorrow there will still be crime in Baltimore.

    I agree. His head should have been detatched from his body. Stop enabli0ng these criminals.
