Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How Young is too Young

.. for handcuffs?


  1. I didn't put my girlfriend in handcuffs until she was at least 18.

  2. If the punishment suits it, I don't see a problem with handcuffing bad children. They must be made aware of the magnitude of their crimes. Some kids will not be intimidated by this, but hopefully it will serve as a grim warning for the children as well as their parents.

    One (obvious) caveat though: Children should clearly have a sense of right and wrong by that time. In the case of these children, they were aware enough to know they messed up.

  3. It always amazes me to see people sticking up for those who commit crimes. Nobody ever died from being handcuffed. Wake up and realize that learning starts early. If people can not teach their children right from wrong, don't complain about others who have to deal with the problems of the criminals. Handcuffed you say?? Cry me a river.

  4. I like what a psychologist said on TV this morning. He said that the reaction of the parents would have the greatest impact on the children. If the parents are outraged by the handcuffing & ignore the crime, they will not understand how wrong what they did was. I hope the parents will focus on educating the kids about what is right and wrong and the consequences one can expect to suffer when they do the wrong thing. I also hope they will be making restitution of some sort.

    When I was 4 I saw a stock boy take a peanut from a bin and eat it. I thought it was okay for me to do it, too. When we got to the parking lot I showed my mom the peanut. She had a fit. Even though she over-reacted (I didn't know it was wrong to take the peanut because I'd seen the stock boy do it), I remember this incident from 47 years ago. Needless to say, I've never felt compelled to take something that doesn't belong to me!

  5. A lot of parents don't seem to know right from wrong themselves and these are the parents whose children who often become repeat offenders of the law. So if there is criticism from the parent. Then, put the parent in cuffs. The parent is responsible for the childs actions until the child reaches an age of understanding. Those children understood!!!!!
