Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Interview with a former crack dealer part II

"Most of these white people, if they’ve been to some of the blocks I’ve been on they wouldn’t last a day. I dare them to live a day of my life -- I dare them"


  1. I grew up in the 800 and 900 blocks of West Lombard Street. my mom and dad use to hand out Dixie cups of bleach to the addicts so they could clean their needles and provide containers so they could dispose of the old dirty needles in a safe place. The crack dealer is correct that a lot of people white and black lack the street smarts and to survive in the hood. The one thing people also lack is compassion.

  2. I always thought they should hold a "Survivor" in East or West Baltimore.

  3. On behalf of the white people, no thanks.

  4. That dude wouldn't last a minute on the 5100 block of Roland Ave. The matrons with the white hair and the Public Television canvas tote bags would eat him alive.

  5. Ha! Best Anonymous Comment ever.

  6. Yeti---
    Yeah, I agree that all of us should have comassion, and were glad the "crack dealer" says he's getting out of the game.
    Experience has shown that aging is what usually does it. The "life" is too much fun otherwise.

    After reading part two of this interview, I would paraphrase our beautiful, fit mayor: this is crap!
    Plenty of people in poor circumstances have somehow managed to get a bit of an education (even graduate), find a job and change their lives for the better--usually by moving to a better area. When you read this piece, and the bragging about how sly and slick he is, it really comes across as manipulative, self-serving, and makes it hard for one to have compassion for his poor decisionmaking. I don't see very much, if any, personal responsibility.
    Yeah, it's great: come home from work tired, sleep a little, and go out and run the streets all night, staying with various woman friends, etc. I guess it will be hard to keep a job.
    Job tip: don't go telling possible future employers this story.

  7. Who would want to live in the hood? Who let's their neighborhood turn into a hood in the first place? Didn't read the article. Don't care.

  8. buzz,

    It was the first part where he had a job, but it was only filing so he quit that told me all I wanted to know. He feels entitled, and wanted it all right then. I don't see any change, get $15K and open up a store falls into the same I don't have to put out much effort and the world will reward me.

    Put you time in and work your way up to the level of your skills. You will be rewarded to the level of your skills.

  9. you dare a white person to live one day in your shoes?

    Why should a white person have to live your life?

    In 2009, the white man aint your problem. Do you know who your problem is?

    You are your problem.

    Your parents is your problem because they did not train and educate you.

    The deginerate people you have around you is your problem because they influence you to do wrong.

    You dare a white person to live one day in your shoes?

    Well I dare you to accept accountability for your own actions and lift your life up.

    I dare you to lift your life up inspite of all thats against you.

    I dare you to educate your self when the scool system has failed you.

    I dare you to prioritize righteuosness and dignity over money.

    I dare you to be different than the people thats around you.

    I dare you to help others to lift thier lives up also.

  10. I read the first part, don't care enough to read the second. This kid is no different from most teens: Arrogant, self-centered and thinks the world owes him something. Life will eventually hand this kid his ass on a platter and he'll get a clue, just like everyone else.

  11. Cham,

    Unfortunatly, Baltimore teens who are self-centered and arrogant kill people. Most other places in the US, they just throw a temper tantrum or cop an attitude.

  12. i Agree with the unofficial motto of the Baltimore Police Department:

    "Let Hem Kill Each Other"

    People who don't ask for help aren't worth helping.

  13. Who wants to live in a ghetto, dumbass?? Grow up, get a real job, and get out of the ghetto.

  14. the comment of former crack dealer is a fool has no basis is a racist
