Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's nice to be from the suburbs

Charges are dropped against a Calvert Hall student initally charged with assualting a Baltimore police officer during a car stop.


  1. Are you implying that only someone from the suburb would get charges dropped in the city? 'Cuz it happens all the time to city residents, as you surely know

  2. Not when it comes to charges involving police, at least from my experience. I do agree that the city has the highest RWC's in the country, but if the charges involve entanglement with police officers they generally stick. For ex, I wrote about a guy Fenyanga Muhammed (not sure on sp.) and he was shot four times in the back during a drug stop. Turns out he didn't have any drugs, but he's still facing second degree assualt charges even though he can barely walk because a bullet is lodged in his spine. But you do make a correct point about the city drops charges all the time.

  3. Do we actually know that the student was from the suburbs? There are plenty of kids who live in the city and go to Calvert Hall.

    Maybe it was mentioned in a different article, but juvenile suspects are usually not identified.

  4. Apparently BaltoCo councilman Stephen Moxley is a degenerate drunkard.
